Országúti bosszú

  • Ausztrália The Rover
Előzetes 2
Ausztrália / Egyesült Államok, 2014, 103 perc (Alternatív 99 perc)


Tíz évvel a világgazdaság összeomlása után egy ex-katona magányosan rója az utakat autójával. Egy nap betér egy út menti csehóba, majd arra lesz figyelmes, hogy elkötik a kint parkoló járgányát. Nem az értékről, hanem az elvről van szó: a kalandor nem tűri, hogy lopjanak tőle. Üldözőbe veszi az őt megrövidítő bűnözőket, és bár mindössze a saját autóját szeretné visszaszerezni, miután ezt szép szóval nem éri el, kíméletlen bosszúba kezd. Ebben váratlanul a segítségére lesz a banda egy rablás során megsérült és hátrahagyott tagja, a sótlan és szellemileg kissé visszamaradott Rey, akivel furcsa párost formálnak a bosszúhadjárat során. (Vertigo Média)


Recenziók (8)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Az ausztrál vadon hangulatával, ráadásul realisztikus (értsd: nem fantasy) posztapokaliptikus formában, sok vigasztalan társadalmi működéssel, egy lebilincselő thriller. Ráadásul nagyon szeretem ezeket a kis opuszokat, ahol apró lépésekben jutunk el a szereplők bőre alá. De minél rafináltabban az Országúti bosszú indul, annál hiábavalónak tűnik néhány filozofikusnak szánt párbeszédben, és annál kielégíthetetlenebb a befejezése. Mintha a végén ő maga is elismerte volna (és ezt erős írói oldalának tartja), hogy itt sz*rról van szó. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol (49th KVIFF) The tempo is easy-going, but the atmosphere is gripping, with the dirt, the desert, the hirsute hero, the endless Australian roads, the isolated buildings and the redneck post-apocalyptic population. Pearce and Pattinson are great. And it’s got some balls, as the midget will tell you. So, pretty satisfied, though Tarantino’s hype (OMG! OMG! the best post-apocalyptic movie since Mad Max) was, as expected, exaggerated, if not downright bollocks, as it’s usual with him. The final twist is (especially for me, those who know me will understand) utterly absurd, though the protagonist’s prior behaviour gives it at least some motivation. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Michôd doesn’t make things much easier for the viewer and without any explanation he follows Guy Pearce and his retarded partner (Pattison finally finds his feet as an actor and as a village idiot is entertaining and completely natural) in the hunt for a stolen car, heading daringly toward the twisted finale. The rosy future is just roads and sand or an ugly human caricature with a gun. The first half hour before the main characters meet makes watching more difficult. Many will find it terribly boring, but I quite liked this naturalistic road movie. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A slower and less functional affair than, for example, The Road (though similarly inhospitable, dirty, raw), its biggest flaw is that it wants to be occasionally cynical and deliberately far-fetched, but it doesn't really work. Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson are surprisingly work, but otherwise, this bizarre post-apocalyptic road movie is average and not innovative or entertaining in any way. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Quentin Tarantino called this film the best post-apocalyptic film since the original Mad Max. And I say congratulations to David Michôd for being able to produce such a hundred-percent concentrate of first-class boredom! The Rover is a kind of self-infatuated blob in which you will wait in vain for some twist and regretfully think about Mad Max and its epic moments. At least, the final scene makes sense and prevents a total fail. But, you, Quentin, please watch your mouth! [KVIFF 2014] ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The main anti-hero, Guy Pearce, races his way through post-apocalyptic Australia following a stolen car and is assisted by a mentally ill Robert Pattinson. If he at least uttered a few words at the beginning and explained how important this car is to him, the whole plot would immediately cease to exist. The pace is slow and there is barely an hour of actual plot in the film, but somehow it was dragged it out to almost double the runtime. Pattinson's character is much more interesting than Pearson's, and even Pattinson's performance is better. Pearce just frowns the entire time and the viewer wonders why he is doing what he is doing. I probably wouldn't recommend the film to post-apocalyptic fans either, because if a headline didn't appear at the beginning explaining that the film took place ten years after an unidentified catastrophe, I wouldn't even realize that it was supposed to be post-apocalyptic. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Rover is certainly an interesting film, although it heavily depends on whether you enjoy slow, contemplative movies where every second feels like it actually lasts three seconds. It drags on, but the story being told here isn't completely bad in itself. It just doesn't impress. I'm a fan of Robert Pattinson, and here he proves that he's stepped out of his box and is a capable actor. Guy Pearce proved that long ago, but he tends to play similar types of roles too often. ()