Női szervek

Előzetes 3


Sarah Asburn és Shannon Mullins egyaránt kemény, a munkájának élő, magányos nő, és mindketten egyformán gorombák. Emiatt aztán ki nem állhatják egymást. A helyzeten tovább ront, hogy Ashburn nagyképű FBI-ügynök, Mullins viszont egyszerű, mocskosszájú bostoni rendőrnő. Amikor Asburn ki akarja venni kezéből az ügyét, rá kell jönnie, hogy emberére akadt. Így kénytelen-kelletten összefognak, hogy lekapcsolják az agafúrt és könyörtelen drogbárót. A kényszerű közös munka során megtanulják tisztelni egymást. (Mozi+)


Recenziók (3)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An enjoyable comedy with an unexpectedly good central couple. It is true that the subject does not abound in originality, but the interplay of the uptight, ambitious Sandra Bullock and the shabbily vulgar Melissa McCarthy saves a lot. Especially when they both get into really funny situations. Moreover, it is nice to see once again a new American comedy in which no bodily fluids, with the exception of a bit of (judiciously used) blood, linger on the viewer. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is exactly the movie I needed. A pleasant comedy that might lack originality, but it offers a bunch of first-class scenes in return, which nearly made me piss my pants. Sandra and Melissa are an absolutely divine duo. I’m glad that it finally occurred to someone to create a female cop duo. Melissa delivers one great line after another and Sandra slowly joins her. The whole movie is a never-ending fit of laughter which will also please action-scene lovers. I must say that I really don’t know what the local two-star reviewers expected from this film. Am I really supposed to be ashamed for laughing at this movie, or should I concern myself with how cookie-cutter it is? Am I really supposed to worry about all this? I think the purpose of this comedy is primarily to relax, and that was successful in my case. The four stars are absolutely well-deserved. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Sometimes it's quite funny, but why on earth did it have to be so long? Melissa is absolutely unbearable in the beginning, Sandra only sometimes during the movie, but she's still more pleasant than both of them. It's clear from the beginning how it will end. The only advantage is that eventually, you'll probably still get into the game, even though those terribly long "funny" scenes will keep killing you. But I did laugh, not gonna lie. ()

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