


A deaf girl is brutalized by a murderous gang who are then hunted by her when the bloodthirsty spirit of an Apache warrior inhabits her lifeless body. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)

Recenziók (2)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Egy őrült, de kiválóan rendezett bosszúálló B-kategóriás film mocskos látványvilággal, találó szereposztással, működő szerelmi vonallal és tápláló splatter extrákkal. Csodálatos módon olyan jól illeszkedik egymáshoz, hogy ha technikailag profibb lenne a kivitelezés és sztárszerűbbek lennének az arcok, akkor mind Tarantino, mind Rodriguez Grindhouse hozzászólását háttérbe szorítaná! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I’m really unsure about how to rate this film. Every effective moment is followed by an unintentionally funny to embarrassing one, so at times I felt that two stars would be fair. But it does have a pretty unique atmosphere and an original “face”, which is not something very common today. It looks like something from the 1970s (the mobile phones felt out of place from the beginning) and its poetry is quite similar to Rob Zombie’s first movie. Really, these days when we are being force-fed one forgettable horror movie after another, I don’t feel like being too hard on this one (even though it’s not very much my cup of tea). So, the result is three stars. But believe it or not, I even considered a fourth start for a moment, but for a completely different reason than the other enthusiastic users. Gore, blood, violence, blah, blah, blah, that’s fine, but what else? What I did like about the film were those few moments of interaction between the (half)dead leading female and her boyfriend who’s looking for her. Those three scenes (phone, motel, grave) had an unexpected emotional depth that, among other things, are proof that this film wanted to be something more than a simple, grindhouse splatter-fest to please only the bloodthirsty, and it could have done it. Such a shame. ()