
  • Németország Winnetou & Old Shatterhand (több)
Németország, 2016, 5 h 34 perc (Percek: 94–123 perc)



Karl May (Wotan Wilke Möhring), a kalandvágyó mérnök a Vadnyugatra utazik, hogy részt vegyen a vasút megépítésében. Romantikus elképzelései hamar szertefoszlanak, a vasútépítő társaság ugyanis banditák gyülekezete, akik a haszonért gátlástalanul bánnak az indián törzsekkel. May szembetűzésbe kerül a munkások vezetőjével, amikor rálőnek a tárgyalni érkező apacs törzsfőnökre, Incsu Csunnára (Gojko Mitić) és fiára, Winnetou-ra (Nik Xhelilaj). Kitör a háború a két tábor között, és a gyors öklű Maynek, akit az indiánok Old Shatterhandnek neveznek el, választania kell, melyik oldalra áll. (Film+)


Felhasználói recenzió D.Moore ehhez a sorozathoz (3)

Winnetou - Apacsok földjén (2016) (E01) 

angol It wasn't easy at all, but it worked. Very sympathetic actors, pleasantly adventurous atmosphere, no violent screenwriting digressions in an attempt to distinguish themselves as much as possible from the original films, almost no modern filmmaking uselessness (except for the occasional shaky camera). I'm not one of those viewers who would speak of the May films only with awe and admiration (in my opinion, they were largely improved by our dubbing), which is probably why I don't have such a problem with this one. ()

Winnetou - Az Ezüst-tó kincse (2016) (E02) 

angol I think the first film was better. What bothered me about this episode was that Silver Lake was the least interesting of all, and what's worse, the finale in the cave was so weak and the shootout so lame. Otherwise, though, a lot of things were fine, from the actors to the cute humor, and I'm looking forward to the next story. ()

Winnetou - Az utolsó csata (2016) (E03) 

angol Definitely better than the previous film, a pity only for the somewhat dull "last battle", which didn't go very well (although it was almost good compared to the last cave shootout), and the dry finale. Otherwise it was beautifully quiet, the characters mattered, and just when it looked like boredom would set in, there was the terrific negotiation with Tokvi-kawa - the highlight of the film for me. ()