
Carlos Galindo egyike a több millió mexikói illegális bevándorlónak, aki egy jobb élet reményében szökött át az Egyesült Államokba. A negyvenéves, szerény és szorgalmas férfi Los Angelesben él a kamasz fiával. Kertészként dolgozik, hogy az így keresett pénzből biztos jövőt teremtsen Luisnak. Szeretné, ha el tudnának költözni a rossz hírű környékről és jó iskolába járathatná őt. Carlos mindent egy lapra tesz fel: a húgától kölcsönkért pénzből egy kisteherautót és szerszámokat vásárol, hogy felfuttassa vállalkozását. A sors azonban mást tartogat számára. (SuperTV2)


Recenziók (1)



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angol We live our ordinary, bland life in the middle of Central Europe in a small Czech valley, surrounded on one side by the Ore Mountains and on the other by the Beskids. If the Netherlands flood, we won't mind. If Germany also sinks, even better, we will have a sea. And we will keep drinking the typical Czech beer, which everyone is proud of and few truly understand in our country. And we call ourselves beer experts... And as for our life, which half of Europe envies us and the rest does not understand, we complain incredibly. We complain about politicians. We complain that they voted for this and that. That they are bastards who just steal one penny after another. Just like Czech footballers, who recently voted to have half of the bonuses paid to them for the possible qualification for Euro 2014. We are whining, we want more, and in the end we will have nothing. And we complain and curse all the time. But we do not realize at all that it could be worse. That it could be so terrible that people on the other side of the world are fleeing their country to live better. They flee to the USA, because it offers countless opportunities and, above all, offers the taste of living. In this world, which we do not even realize during our regular complaining, things happen daily that we cannot properly understand. Incredibly emotional and sad things that are worth knowing and realizing. The characters of this film also fight for a better life, and I must say that it was something beautiful, but at the same time something so sad to watch their perfectly written characters. The saddest part of all this is that this is not just a mere film...but cruel reality. And every Czech should realize this while drinking beer, before starting another embarrassing endless rant. More of these films for us... Czech people. ()