
A paranormális jelenségeknek beállított szemfényvesztések után nyomozó Dr. Margaret Matheson és a fiatal asszisztensét jelentő Tom Buckley azzal a szándékkal kutatják a különféle természetfeletti eseményeket, hogy lerántsák a leplet a háttérben álló csalásról. Simon Silver, a legendás vak médium harminc évig tartó, rejtélyes távolléte után újra a figyelem középpontjába kerül, és alapos fejtörésre készteti az ortodox tudomány híveit és a hivatásos szkeptikusokat egyaránt. Tom egyre megszállottabban érdeklődik Silver iránt, akinek mágneses ereje az újabb és újabb megmagyarázhatatlan események szaporodásával fokozódik. Miközben az asszisztens közelebb kerül a médiumhoz, a feszültség egyre csak nő, és az idő előrehaladtával Tom világnézete gyökeres változáson megy keresztül. (Big Bang Media)


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az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol How would you like to see a picture about a blind man as your last movie before going blind?... Just an thought. A great atmosphere, excellent theme, the ending is a bit creaky,but otherwise a decent genre piece. Cortés is definitely a talented director and the main acting trio performs superbly. Blind De Niro is nice and demonic and a shame that the story doesn’t develop more on that. What can you really know? What can you really believe? ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Quite a nice film to watch. Plus, finally a proper role for Robert De Niro again, yay! Rather than The Sixth Sense, to which the domestic distributor (stupidly) compares the film, Red Lights reminded me of Nolan's The Prestige with its strange atmosphere. Plus, it's been a long time since I've been so sure after finishing a movie that I want to see it again as soon as possible. Red Lights is perfectly cast and, of course, acted, and the script doesn't build on any shocking points, but it's damn (un)pleasantly magical and suspenseful. The direction is fine and so is its cooperation with the music, the only thing I could criticize is perhaps the overly literal ending... But that's just a small issue that I can easily set aside.__P.S. It was only thanks to the interesting facts here that I learned that the shots of "young De Niro" were not special effects shots at all, as I had thought, but a much simpler "trick". Wow! ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It does have its issues, but I’m more satisfied with it than with Cortés’s previous film, Buried. That one may have been more cohesive and polished, but I liked more the theme and the atmosphere of this one. For three quarters, it’s a gripping mysterious thriller with an almost horror feeling. And if it didn’t fall apart in the end with that unexpected twist delivered in such weird way, it could be a modern classic among mystery films. My feeling: as if after a two hour ride in a luxury sports car you bumped it against a rail while parking and scratched the paint. ()

Galéria (72)

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