A fekete ruhás nő

  • Egyesült Királyság The Woman in Black (több)
Előzetes 2


A feleségét elvesztő, ifjú londoni ügyvéd, Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe) gyásza olyan mély, hogy már munkáját veszélyezteti. Kénytelen elhagyni hároméves kisfiát és a távoli Crythin Giffordba utazni egy nemrég elhunyt kliens ügyében. Ám amikor megérkezik, nyilvánvalóvá válik, hogy a helyiek sötét titkot őriznek. Baljós sejtelmei csak fokozódnak, amikor a néhai ügyfél félelmetes, öreg háza körül megpillant egy rejtélyes, fekete ruhás nőt. James Watkins rendező (Gyilkos kilátások) viktoriánus korban játszódó kísértettörténetet ötvözött a mai japán horror eszköztárával. Hátborzongató hangulatú művének főszereplője Daniel Radcliffe, akinek ez az első szerepe a Harry Potter-sorozat világsikere után. (Budapest Film)


Videók (27)

Előzetes 2

Recenziók (13)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A feldolgozás nagyon jó. A helyszín, a hangulat, a rejtély, minden működik. De forgatókönyvileg semmi új a nap alatt. Még az ijesztgetések is inkább a hanghatásokra támaszkodnak, mint a vizuális és szerkesztői leleményességre. Radcliffe apafigurának a kinézete miatt fiatal, de alakítása hibátlan. Ciarán Hinds méltóságteljessé teszi a filmet. A Harry Potter fiatal nézői, akik nem láttak száz hasonló filmet, elégedettek lesznek. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Woman in Black is a great atmospheric horror film taking place in an absolutely amazing location, with great actors and awesome directing that made sure there was just the right creepy atmosphere that gave me chills for hours after watching it. I immediately forgot about Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter. In this movie I perceived him as a great actor who can play many emotions, including fear. Truth be told, if I were him, 20 minutes in that haunted house would make me go crazy, but he fought it off and pulled it off amazingly. The screenplay is great as well. These ghost horror movies usually don’t get good endings, but in this one everything is very interesting. Hats off. The movie brought me a four-star experience and memories that I just can’t get out of my head. I wish there were more films of this quality. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol James Watkins completely flipped the script when he went from aggressive teenagers to a classic art nouveau ghost story. Yet he definitely reached the heights of his reputation set by his first film because it washes over the viewer with such vigor that I wondered where the hell the man had been all these years when everyone was crying about the genre's decline. It's quite a cool thing to scare audiences so predictably yet with the kind of cheekiness and implacability in which little children die, and the mystery unravels rapidly. Meanwhile, the film maintains deliberate British detachment and slight distance. It's only kept from perfection by the miscast Radcliffe who - nothing against his performance - just hasn't grown up enough for such a role yet. Otherwise, I give a deep bow to the director. 4 ½. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A film folk haunting novel that perfectly exploits the conventions of Gothic horror and the Victorian aesthetics of ghost stories (the author of the book, Susan Hill, is an expert on them). Watkins chose the ultimate digital look, which is sometimes gorgeous (color contrasts and delicate work with light in neat interiors), and sometimes very artificial and implausible (especially the modified exteriors). The atmosphere is nice, and blaming it for its predictability is nonsense - the film is a de facto stylistic exercise with clear rules that need to be followed. The inclination to have cheap jump scares bothered me a bit, but those long walks with a candle darkened house are dense. In addition, Radcliffe acting like a lost frightened puppy can believed without difficulty. Pleasantly old-fashioned, from the veil to the ankle boots. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A simple horror story in the beautiful settings of an English seaside village. I didn’t mind the lack of originality and the simplicity of the plot (Hammer has never made intellectual and sophisticated films), what I did mind, though, is that in such beautiful setting, all the film can do to generate fear is to use cheap jump-scares that follow the template of “show anything” + “raise the volume”. Visually, I enjoyed it very much, both the haunted house and the village, but the fear hardly shows up at all. One look at the woman in black in the more than 20 year-old TV adaptation made me tremble in terror a lot more than all those jump-scares put together. Daniel Radcliffe delivers a decent performance. The climax was disappointing, just like a couple of very unconvincing scenes (the lady with the dogs, the bird in the boarding house). I’m giving it 7/10. I liked The Woman in Black, but unfortunately, with all the aforementioned reservations. I expected something great, but it doesn’t come close to that. ()

Galéria (80)

Kapcsolódó hírek

A legendás brit Hammer stúdió újraéled

A legendás brit Hammer stúdió újraéled


Az ikonikus londoni Hammer Films stúdiót 1934-ben alapították, és bár létezésének első két évtizedében filmgyártásra összpontosított, mégpedig minden műfajban, a legikonikusabb filmek, amelyekre a… (több)