
Különös bűnténysorozatot kell Amadeus Warnebringnek, a svéd rendőrnek felderíteni: a városban zenei bűnözők garázdálkodnak, akik illegális, performance jellegű előadásaikhoz nem kisebb hangszert választottak, mint magát a várost. Amadeus lelkiismeretes szakember, ráadásul egy híres zenészcsalád egyetlen botfülű tagja. Nem csoda hát, hogy a nyomozás és üldözés során egészen különös kapcsolatba kerül az ellenfeleivel (akik vezére nem mellékesen egy csinos, fiatal nő), különös kapcsolatba a zenével és az egész világgal. (CirkoFilm)


Videók (3)

Előzetes 2

Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The genius of some musical numbers is balanced by the relatively average story, which more or less has nothing to offer. You can see that the creators of this movie were figuring out what story could fill what they actually enjoy. And that is the musical numbers that I didn’t believe could be actually created. Sound of Noise becomes the most interesting musical movie I have seen because where else you can experience the symphony of a dying patient or a robbery. And not to mention the symphony on the topic of construction machinery. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Exactly the kind of movie for Meat Factory – it's alternative, it fights conformity, the actors look serious, lots of retro elements and ingenious references to the B-movie days ("Fuck the Music, Kill, Kill!"). Girls with ballerina skirts and slender fingers will like it, but I was hampered by the attempt at a story. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Music as opinion, as revolt, anarchy, as an element, as a geyser of erupting emotions that mercilessly sweep away the wall of conventions and civilization habits. Sometimes I feel that everything has already been made and nothing new can be invented even in cinema, only changing perspectives and retouching what others have done before. But then films like this crazy Swedish comedy appear and shatter my expectations. Sound of Noise is an original film that is difficult to compare to anything else. The screenplay is somewhat unfinished, one can somehow feel that the point should be treated more thoroughly. But still, the film is worth seeing. Especially for those who appreciate experimentation and madness of all kinds. I really enjoyed this bombastic provocative music show played illegally. Overall impression: 80%. ()

Galéria (51)