Terra X: Jagd nach dem Urmeter

  • Németország Auf den Spuren genialer Forscher und Erfinder: Jagd nach dem Urmeter
Németország, 2011, 43 perc


Axel Engstfeld


Jürg Löw (narrátor), Jan Antonín Duchoslav


During the 1790s French Revolution, the (still royal) academy of science sanctions a project to create the metric system of universal measures on natural foundations, to substitute the chaotic feudal tradition of local and regional arbitrary measures. A key measure, for length, is to be the meter, defined as 1/10.000 of the meridian from equator to Northpole. A scientific expedition was to determine the exact length of the part of the one that goes trough Barcelona, Rodez and Paris by old-fashioned triangulation. Despite new advanced measuring equipment, the landscape and especially political circumstances, both wars and French internal regime brutality, make it a 9 year nightmare for the two scientists, who started from opposite sides. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)



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