
Apja, V. György király (Michael Gambon) halála, valamint bátyja, VIII. Edward (Guy Pearce) botrányos lemondása után az egész életében beszédhibával küzdő Bertie (Colin Firth) váratlanul a trónon találja magát, mint VI. György brit király. Országa a második világháború küszöbén áll, és óriási szükség lenne egy igazi vezetőre, ezért Bertie-t felesége, Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), a későbbi Anyakirálynő összeismerteti egy excentrikus beszédterapeutával, Lionel Logue-al (Geoffrey Rush). A formabontó kezelés a nehéz kezdet után meghozza gyümölcsét, és kettejük között életre szóló kapcsolatot alakított ki. Logue, a királyi család, a kormány és Winston Churchill (Timothy Spall) támogatásával a király legyőzte dadogását, és nagyhatású rádióbeszédet mondott népének, amely inspirálta és egyesítette őket a harcban. Tom Hooper (John Adams-sorozat, Elizabeth) történelmi drámájában Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush és Helena Bonham-Carter mesteri hármasa kelti életre egy nem mindennapi barátság történetét. A film 2011-ben 4 Oscar-díjat nyert a legjobb film, rendező, forgatókönyv és Colin Firth személyében a legjobb férfi főszereplő kategóriában. (Budapest Film)


Recenziók (12)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A typically British, perfectionistic, and old-fashioned film, which, although it has a number of undeniable merits starting with excellent casting, appropriate performances, and conservative but flawless direction, somehow did not enthuse me and captivate me. It deals with aristocratic "better" people bound by strict social rules, etiquette, and responsibility, not for themselves, but for the reputation and status of their family. These people have sympathy for the plebeians down below and feel responsibility for them about as much as a medieval feudal lord felt responsibility for his subjects. By the way, they reduce people to one group and even though they talk a great deal about that group, they are extremely careful not to get themselves dirty with the people below and actually do not even know them. Overall impression: 80%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Csodálatos operatőri munka és díszlettervezés (séta a ködös, kúp alakú fákkal borított parkban egy esztétikai orgazmus), briliáns színészek, fogyatékos főhős (egy szívszorító sírós jelenettel), szerető feleség, és amikor a jön a legnehezebb helyzet, feszültségnövelés a Hitler hatalomra kerülése formájában.... Egyszerűen tiszta esőember-féle lélek a Merchant és Ivory fenséges angol kulisszái között, avagy egy újabb biztos Oscar-díj, bár ezúttal igazán jószívű és őszinte. De ne legyünk szentimentálisak - Tom Hooper "csak" tökéletesen kamatoztatta mindazt, amit az iskolában tanult, amit az arany Hollywood és az arany Anglia tanított neki, és nem hagyott a munkájában semmilyen szerzői bélyeget, semmit nem mozdított előre. Ezért is szorítottam a személyesebb, bátrabb és progresszívebb Fincher és Aronofsky művészeknek... ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Very pleasant period piece. A series of speech therapy sessions is not an ideal premise for the silver screen, but they managed to turn it into a remarkable result. Colin Firth excels in the role of an uncertain stuttering king and his performance is undoubtedly Oscar-worthy, he feels very sincere and uncynical, unlike the rest of the film. The titular “king’s speech” at the end really got me. 9/10 ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Unbearable Lightness of Royal Being, or the first film that allowed me to understand the power and meaning of the monarchy. Tom Hooper may be accused of "academic coldness" by some sensitive folk, but in my opinion, he directs in an economical style that allows the actors' charisma to shine through, placing The King's Speech amongst the ranks of engagingly chatty films like Howard's Frost/Nixon or Fincher's The Social Network. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A cultured speech therapy drama about the power of the voice and the imaginary status of a king. A wonderfully blissful play of static semi-details, mannerist textures and refined interiors, against which the chaotic wallpaper of Dr. Logue proudly stands out, who understands that the king is king above all when his subjects believe him. And in the 1930s, they can trust his voice above all. It's all a typical Rocky template about an outsider who climbed to the top, even though no one believed in him. Even with its sensitively stylizing representation of history, it is the equivalent of the excellent drama Frost/Nixon. An acting concert, from Colin Firth's stressed-out creation to Helen Bonham Carter's light-legged ballet. Maybe over-modified, but I like it... more than a handsome, gelled Fincher mop of hair. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It might start subtly and escalate very gradually, but The King's Speech deeply moved me, and when it comes to admiration for acting performances, it literally surpassed them. And just as the main character is a timid speaker and a future famous ruler, the movie is on one hand a sweet little film and on the other a spectacle that almost everyone can love and celebrate. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I would never have thought a film that dealt "only" with the King's speech could be this interesting and so moving. Great performances by both G. Rush and Colin Firth! No clichés, no kitsch... nice to see. Beautiful English! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A very enjoyable intimate drama about real issues against the backdrop of historical events. The cast is great, of course, but in a way too much so, because each of the main three characters is such a distinct actor that they overshadow their characters. The set design also has no major flaws, which is good, although that’s almost a given nowadays. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Serious themes of an interesting era in the chronicle of humanity, the beauty of Victorian England (exteriors/interiors, aesthetics), and a lead cast of two. These are the three main assets in this formally meticulously done film, which lacks pull and a good dose of emotion. The sparkle is not enough. If Tom Hooper wasn't just a good craftsman, but a progressive innovator who could put his own distinctive spin on things (and there was a ton of room for that here), this would be downright great. Academics have lost their minds over something that isn’t nearly that great. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Behind every great man there is not always only a woman, but in the case of King George VI, a man, and perhaps a voice specialist. The King's Speech is a parade of fine performances from the (until now overlooked) Colin Firth, to the lovely Helena Bonham Carter, to the masterful Geoffrey Rush, who (for me personally) doesn't disappoint. I must also not forget the supporting but still great actors like Timothy Spall and Michael Gambon. Firth really gives a heartfelt performance and I believe his stuttering and swearing to the core. Alexandre Desplat's music also did its job and evoked the atmosphere of Great Britain in the first half of the last century perfectly. The cinematography was charming, as was the script peppered with classic British humour. In short, a film that was my cup of tea despite a few slight bumps, and while it may not be up there for film of the year, I'm still intoxicated. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A film for which I didn't mind the expected plot development, the touching ending, and the overall almost violent "you're watching an Oscar movie, so a bit of respect bloody hell" vibe. Firth is divine, Carter is divine, Rush is divine, the cinematography is divine (pleasing even for a conversational film, imaginative use of steadycam), the script is divine, the ending is exactly as it should be, and the heaps of euphemisms that make up the English upper class vocabulary are hilarious without even needing to be pointed out. I'd still be more in favor of Oscars for Black Swan, though, because my sensibilities have always been closer to films that aren't afraid to experiment. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol When you sum up this movie, it's really about how one person learns to speak, meaning they try not to stutter. It's almost tempting to say it's trivial, but when it's filmed well and when the right actors are chosen, then it becomes something very unique. In this case, it succeeded, and Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush delivered incredible performances. I think Geoffrey is actually the star of this film, but once again, the Academy didn't award him. It doesn't matter because it doesn't change the fact that the film is excellent. ()

Kapcsolódó hírek

Egy új Végtelen történet vár ránk

Egy új Végtelen történet vár ránk


A klasszikus film új adaptációt kap. Michael Ende német novellája, amely kitörölhetetlen nyomot hagyott a fantasy műfajban, és amelyet 45 nyelvre fordítottak le, 1984-ben került először a mozikba. A… (több)