
Exiled to a magical island, the sorceress Prospera (Mirren) conjures up a storm that shipwrecks her enemies, and then unleashes her powers for revenge. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


The Tempest

The Tempest

Music from the Motion Picture

Kiadta: Zarathustra Music

Év: 2010

Ország: Egyesült Államok

Formátum: CD

Felvétel: 35:02

1. O Mistress Mine Elliot Goldenthal 03:06
2. High Day Two-Step Elliot Goldenthal 02:08
3. Alchemical Lightshow Elliot Goldenthal 02:31
4. Full Fathom Five Elliot Goldenthal 04:15
5. Hell Is Empty Elliot Goldenthal 04:40
6. Brave New World Elliot Goldenthal 02:51
7. Admired Miranda Elliot Goldenthal 01:29
8. Ariel Swarm Elliot Goldenthal 00:52
9. Where The Bee Sucks Elliot Goldenthal 01:57
10. Rough Magic Elliot Goldenthal 03:11
11. Lava Dogs Elliot Goldenthal 00:38
12. Prospera's Coda Elliot Goldenthal 07:24