
Előzetes 3
Egyesült Államok, (2010–2014), 52 h 34 perc (Percek: 47–72 perc)


Terence Winter


Nelson Johnson (könyv)


Steve Buscemi, Dabney Coleman, Paz de la Huerta, Stephen Graham, Kelly Macdonald, Aleksa Palladino, Michael Pitt, Michael Shannon, William Hill (több)
(további alkotók)

Streaming (1)

Évad(5) / Epizódok(56)


Az 1920-as években az alkoholt törvényen kívül helyezték Egyesült Államok-szerte, és ennek következtében a törvényen kívüliek lettek a királyok. A korszakot a Maffiózók Emmy-díjas forgatókönyvírója, Terence Winter által írt Boardwalk Empire - Gengszterkorzó idézi fel. A sorozatot – amelynek pilot epizódját az Oscar-díjas Martin Scorsese rendezte – Nelson Johnson dokumentarista könyve, a „Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times and Corruption of Atlantic City” ihlette. A történet Atlantic Cityben játszódik a szesztilalom hajnalán, és Enoch „Nucky” Thompson (Steve Buscemi) életén keresztül elmeséli a szervezett bűnözés születését és felemelkedését a Boardwalk néven ismert csendes, tengerparti pihenőhelyen. A New Jersey déli partján fekvő üdülővárosban, „a világ játszótereként” emlegetett Atlantic Cityben gyakorlatilag nincsenek szabályok. Hatalmas szállodák sorakoznak Boardwalk nevű híres tengerparti sétányán, a szórakozóhelyek a Broadwayjel vetekednek. Néhány dollárból az ember úgy szórakozhat, mint egy király – legálisan vagy illegálisan. Atlantic City vitathatatlan ura a város pénzügyeit kezelő Enoch „Nucky” Thompson. Egy személyben megbecsült politikus és dörzsölt gengszter, akinek kapóra jön a szesztilalom bevezetése. Atlantic City ugyanis stratégiai elhelyezkedése miatt – pár percre fekszik Philadelphiától, néhány órára New Yorktól és kevesebb, mint egy nap autóútra Chicagótól – a szeszcsempészet központja lett. A könnyű pénz szagára pedig összegyűlnek Amerika gengsztervilágának nagyágyúi, akik mind az illegális alkoholterjesztésből akarnak meggazdagodni, az érdekellentétek pedig csakhamar bandaháborúkhoz vezetnek… (HBO Europe)


Felhasználói recenzió Necrotongue ehhez a sorozathoz (28)

Gengszterkorzó (2010) 

angol Apart from the weaker first half of the fifth season, I was very pleased with the series. I've always liked gangster films set in the 1920s and 1930s, so it was obvious that unless the creators did something catastrophically wrong, I was going to like this one. What I enjoy about HBO's "historical" series is the combination of real characters and obvious fiction, which worked really well here. Plus, it managed to create a great atmosphere. Things were made even better by casting Steve Buscemi in the lead role. I was also blown away by Michael Shannon in the role of Nelson Van Alden, who gave an excellent performance throughout. ()

Season 1 (2010) (S01) 

angol The USA during the prohibition era, the gangster golden age. Exactly my kind of thing. I wasn't expecting a frantic action spectacle from HBO after my experience with Rome and The Tudors. Instead, I was looking forward to a big dose of conversation and intrigue and that's exactly what I got. The filmmakers’ need to get at least one naked body in each scene was painfully obvious and it got annoying pretty quickly. But that's about the only problem I had with this very well-made first season. ()

Boardwalk Empire (2010) (S01E01) 

angol I have no complaints about the first episode. Movies set during the American Prohibition period have always been among my favorites, and the series is also very well cast. Steve Buscemi is delightfully charming, and my favorite Shea Whigham and Michael Pitt support him excellently. I was also pleased to see Kelly Macdonald, whom I first noticed in the movie Gosford Park. ()

Broadway Limited (2010) (S01E03) 

angol Even though no major events happen in the third episode, there are many smaller and less noticeable matters taking place and agent Van Alden loses his cool a bit. Although the situation around the witness of the massacre was actually tragic, I had a great time with it. ()

Family Limitation (2010) (S01E06) 

angol The plot was so interesting this time that I had to give it a full rating, even though Mr. Skin had plenty to choose from again. Above all, the situation in Chicago has cleared up and it seems to be only a matter of time before all the popes come into play. ()

Home (2010) (S01E07) 

angol The seventh episode pleased me, it is chatty, which is typical for HBO series, and I definitely don't mind it. It brings Meyer Lansky and the extremely likeable sniper Richard to the scene. I was amused by the development of the plot involving Enoch, who donates his father's house only to change his mind in the end. ()

The Emerald City (2010) (S01E10) 

angol It seems that high-quality episodes will be a standard for this series. Throughout the whole episode, political intrigues were hilariously portrayed, while a revenge at a criminal level was planned, a few action incidents took place, and I enjoyed the whole thing tremendously. ()

Season 2 (2011) (S02) 

angol I was very pleased with the second season. There was more action than in the first one and it got off to a flying start. The individual characters went through interesting development and the plot managed to surprise me several times, so I was far from bored. Steve Buscemi and Michael Shannon played their roles in grand style, and I can only look forward to season three and hope that it will keep up the high standard. ()

The Age of Reason (2011) (S02E06) 

angol The only thing I would criticize about the episode are the too frequent shots of Paz de la Huerta, which don't sit well with me, otherwise I was completely satisfied. Intrigue is at its peak, there's also a decent amount of action, and Van Alden is diligently trying to dance between the eggs. ()

Battle of the Century (2011) (S02E09) 

angol I had hardly complained about the lack of action by the eighth episode when the ninth brought a decent amount of it, and besides a demonstration of the effectiveness of Thompson submachine guns, the viewer can look forward to professional work with a meat cleaver. ()

Under God's Power She Flourishes (2011) (S02E11) 

angol I saw another great episode again, even the returns to Jimmy's past were interesting. Van Alden is already a case by himself, the agent's integrity is crumbling along the way and the episode concluded with a truly ancient tragedy. ()

To the Lost (2011) (S02E12) 

angol Satisfaction! The ending of the second season was very successful, there was a lot of intrigue, when things didn't go according to plan, extremely action-packed events took place, and once again it was confirmed that the church is the most extensive criminal organization. ()

Season 3 (2012) (S03) 

angol The third season came with gradual development and an increasing number of action scenes. The very best was brought by the final two episodes.. Plus, this series also came with some unexpectedly entertaining developments within the Mueller family, which I really appreciated. For me, this was the best part of this prohibition gangster series so far. ()

Spaghetti and Coffee (2012) (S03E02) 

angol The second episode of the third series brought more dialogue and less action, but fortunately, it was focused and relevant, so I could be satisfied. Moreover, I enjoyed watching Elias adapt to the new lifestyle, not to mention the iron salesman part. ()

Bone for Tuna (2012) (S03E03) 

angol The third episode was already more action-packed, it amused me when Enoch hypocritically accepted an award from a representative of the most hypocritical organization in the world. The plot development indicates that there will likely be even more action in the next episodes. ()

Season 4 (2013) (S04) 

angol I consider the fourth season to be the best one so far. It added a lot more action to what worked in the previous seasons and the result was highly watchable. As a bonus, I got the hilarious Mueller family who cracked me up every time. I was also amused by the transformation of Mr. Mueller from a pushover into the badass uncompromising Mr. Van Alden, which seemed to make Mrs. Mueller happy as well. ()

Resignation (2013) (S04E02) 

angol The second episode of the fourth season did not disappoint me either, two new significant characters (J. Edgar Hoover and Dr. Valentin Narcisse) entered the plot, but once again the Mueller couple amused me the most. They are a brilliant duo. ()

All In (2013) (S04E04) 

angol I am still satisfied, she intrigues in a powerful way, so anyone who stood for a moment is now standing aside. And whoever loses in cards, doesn't go to Florida. The FBI is starting to jump around too much and Mr. Mueller is definitely no longer the master of his own destiny. ()

The North Star (2013) (S04E06) 

angol I watched the first half of the fourth season and so far I have been very satisfied. When the plot wasn't intensely action-packed, very interesting things were being discussed during very interesting conversations, and I hope it will continue in a similar manner. ()

The Old Ship of Zion (2013) (S04E08) 

angol The eighth episode disappointed me by ignoring the events in Chicago that I was looking forward to, but luckily Mr. White saved everything by starting to clean his mess. I had a great time again, but that's already a rule for the fourth season. ()