
Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) súlyos autóbalesetet szenved Berlinben. A kómából magához térve meglepve tapasztalja, hogy a felesége nem ismeri fel, és egy ismeretlen férfi (Aidan Quinn) elfoglalta az életét. Miután a hatóságok nem hisznek neki, Harris kénytelen a maga kezébe venni a nyomozást. Az egyetlen dolog, amin elindulhat, a taxi, amellyel balesetet szenvedett. A sofőr, Gina (Diane Kruger) segít neki kideríteni az igazságot, ami nagy meglepetéseket tartogat Harris számára. (InterCom)


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Előzetes 1

Recenziók (10)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Emlékezetkiesés, téli Berlin, titkos ügynökök, autós üldözések, hűvös femme fatale, arab sejk, megbízható, szimpatikus taxisofőrnő, zseniális tudós, háttérben a szálakat mozgató hatalommal rendelkező emberek, bérgyilkosok, és váratlan fordulat. És egy nagyszerű szereposztás. Minden ott van, csak újrahasznosított és helyenként túlzásokba vitt formában. Az előző Az árva filmben Serra-nak sikerült műfaji kliséket legyőzni, de itt nem. A film egyetlen emlékezetes jelenete továbbra is a Bruno Ganz és Frank Langella színészpáros hátborzongatóan hangulatos találkozása marad. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A step backwards from Orphan, though it looks very promising at the beginning. A Hitchcockican hero with the world turned against him wanders around in snowy Berlin, trying to figure out who he is. And when he does figure it out, everything goes to hell. A decent thriller, but it had a lot more potential. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Unknown doesn't come up with groundbreaking or new. By unraveling the puzzle surrounding the main character's identity(ies), it additionally brings back into play one recent fashion wave, BUT... Jaume Collet-Serra proves once again, after the brilliant Orphan, that his first film was a necessary evil for its time in order for him to enter Hollywood, and only now can he show what all is brewing within him. I won't lament the plot, which again follows a template that has been seem many times. Serra has a way with actors that is absolutely perfect, and his baby works especially when he’s playing the paranoia card. The ending, however, offers something that has not failed to amaze me of late. That something is the current acting position of Liam Neeson, who, on the verge of sixty, has switched to the role of uncompromising action hero who hides under the guise of civilian ordinariness, only to shoot accurately and deliver a hard hits at the right moment. His ruthless charisma permeates the entire film and makes you forget that it doesn't fit the logic in places. PS: The extremely kind Arab sheik and a former Stasti member as positive characters? :) ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Many reviews here mention something about a (dumb) punchline suffering from lapses in logic. Quite on the contrary, I think that the story logically (whether or not clever, is a different matter) links and smooths out apparent over-complexity and lapses in logic with something that makes sense, but you must bear in mind that this is a genre movie not pretending to be anything more, so it would be naive to expect anything sophisticated à la Hitchcock. And it works fine, the same as the story in the last thirty minutes. When you add to this the uncompromising Neeson, the snowy atmosphere of Berlin and the great car chases, then... You simply have a quality genre movie. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol After reading the plot summary I made a bet with myself as to whether I would give 4 or 5 stars. Unfortunately, I lost in both cases and I'm still quite disappointed. The whole movie kind of unfolds without surprises with a lot of unnecessary car chases. Only the excellent ending is above average. Otherwise nothing new under the sun. A little better 3 stars. ()

Galéria (64)