Szabadíts meg minket a gonosztól!

(fesztivál filmcím)
  • Dánia Fri os fra det onde (több)


Violence erupts after a drunk driver runs over a local woman and pins the blame on the town's Bosnian refugee. But when his brother gives the foreigner shelter, an armed group of vigilantes take to the streets to deliver their own brand of justice. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)

Videók (1)


Recenziók (7)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Pszichológiai tanulmány két társadalmi osztály és két kulturális világ összeütközéséről, amely visszafordíthatatlanul kollektív emberi tragédiához vezet. Politikai tudatosságú dráma, izgalmas thriller és intelligens komikus szatíra, amelyet friss és ötletes filmkészítéssel úgy adnak elő, ahogyan erre csak a legtehetségesebb és legnyitottabb európai filmesek képesek. A gondolatokkal teli történet és a csiszolt látványvilág mesteri összjátéka, amely ugyanolyan erővel segíti a karakterek és a környezet ábrázolását, mint a párbeszédek és a színészek. Nézd meg a galériában azt a fotót, amelyen egy nő a férjével (vagy egy másik képen a gyerekeivel) rémülten áll egy ajtó előtt. Minden benne van, beleértve Hitchcockot is. Egy csemege! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Traditionally good Nordic film, but what bothers me the most is its visual side. It no longer looks as natural as similar films that tell the cruel stories of each character that appears in the film. However, it still maintains an incredibly good camera and a fantastic atmosphere that can squeeze out emotions even on a deserted road that is straighter than a line drawn by a ruler. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Ole Bornedal really won me over with this film. The last time I experienced a similar feeling was during a screening of a similarly raw film from Estonia – The Class. This time it is not about bullying, but about moral values and their limits, about religion and truth, regardless of what it is. I really liked the visuals, they give the film an even greater touch of rawness and depression. I was really surprised by the participation of Lene Nystrom, who played her role very solidly. What is the line between (relatively) normal human thinking and mindless madness that brings no good? In short, for me, a quality piece of filmmaking that caught my attention mainly because of the imagery and the theme (great twist!). ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's only been a few days since I wrote about Just Another Love Story, the previous work by Ole Bornedal, that it shouldn't have an ending and I would be satisfied. The second encounter with his work brought me the same experience. For three-quarters of the runtime, I was floating in the clouds of a highly outstanding spectacle, enjoying the excellent camera work, sensing the rising tension and alarming signals of an approaching crisis, appreciating the scenes of emotional impact like a thunder strike - and then everything went down the drain within a few minutes because the director pushed too hard and didn't understand the psychology of the crowd or the individual. As a result, the typical film construct is exposed. Undoubtedly, it is superbly shot, but at the same time, unreliable. From such material, much more could have been extracted if Bornedal had tamed his imagination, not chased too many rabbits at once, and fixed the logical gaps. The film notably resembles Peckinpah's Straw Dogs, and I wouldn't directly speak of plagiarism, but certainly of strong inspiration. However, that film seems more believable to me and more impactful in its consequences. Additionally, it lacks the strangely reconciliatory ending. Nonetheless, I have no problem with giving this film three strong stars. Overall impression: 65%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I don’t want to repeat what Rob Roy and Pishin have already said, but it’s impossible to speak about this film without referring to Straw Dogs and the beautiful cinematography. Straw Dogs is grittier, while this one plays more with the visuals, but the results are similar. Better stay away from villages. An hour and a half of undiluted redneckery, drunkenness and prejudice – power in the hands of “ordinary people”. Some parts of the story made me feel unwell. Besides the cinematography, I’d like to highlight the sound design. There’s a tense moments when the people on the screen are screaming their lungs out, but all you hear is the rustling of the woods instead of the screams themselves, and it’s very effective, perfect for that particular scene. I believe the director has good taste and a feeling for restraint. The local exploitation fans perhaps will complain about the moderation of the last action scene, but more would have been only for the worse, and I think Bornedal is aware of it. Brilliant and a great surprise from Denmark. 9/10 ()

Galéria (33)