
Különös idegen bukkan fel, rejtélyes bilinccsel a csuklóján a vadnyugati kisvárosban. A helybéliek nem szívlelik a jövevényt, aki semmire sem emlékszik a múltjából. mindenki fél a város kiskirályától, Dolarhyde ezredestől. Egy napon félelmetes, földön kívüli fosztogatók támadják meg a várost, és emberek sorát ragadják magukkal a magasba. Kiderül, hogy az idegen az egyetlen, akire számíthatnak. Dolarhyde kénytelen összefogni az emlékezetét lassan visszanyerő revolverhőssel, együtt indulnak az elraboltak felkutatására. (UIP-Duna Film)


Videók (33)

Előzetes 4

Recenziók (12)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Egy "elképesztő" ötlet, amely pillanatok alatt tönkretette az Indiana Jones és a kristálykoponya királysága film üzenetét, két órára felfújva. Az elején még jól néz ki: Craig kemény cowboya szuper, a western világ fergeteges, az első kapcsolatfelvétel a földönkívüliekkel mágikus, a humor és a távolságtartás megfelelő, a vizuális effektek tökéletesek, az E.T.-féle alakok pedig lényegesen jobbak, mint vakond a Super 8 filmből. A tűzeseti jelenettől kezdve azonban a jó benyomások kezdenek elszállni, és az ezt követő, olcsó, klisés, gyors érlelésű karakterkapcsolatok és az akciójelenetek logikátlan pillanatai eltemetik az egészet. Az írók úgy gondolták, hogy minél jobban kiélik magukat, annál jobban szórakoznak majd a nézők... Az amerikai prérik marhapásztorai és indiánjai egyesüljetek idealista világban a földönkívüli nácik ellen, akik azt hiszik, hogy rovarok vagytok, és el akarják lopni az aranyatokat! - Bullshit. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Wow! There really isn’t even a pinch of humour. Something like Cowboys and Aliens could never be good this way, even with the greatest genius behind the camera. To make with a serious face a film where a group of cowboys and Indians avert an invasion of aliens that have come to earth to mine gold (oops, spoiler) is mental. If it at least looked good, but no, not even that, it’s just two hours of grey and boredom. Not even the aliens are good! ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The women have secrets, the guys have rifles and the aliens have claws. The division of roles is just as clear as in a classic western, which applies also to the character played by Olivia Wilde, who is finally allowed to do more than just soften the impudence of the guys with her presence. Despite that, the climax doesn’t leave any doubt as to whether the good old Wild West needs women or aliens. The director’s filmography leads us to believe the opposite, but Cowboys and Aliens creates a better impression during the purely western scenes, not in the sci-fi elements. The resounding music and the camerawork making full use of the screen, recalling the times when westerns ruled. The hackneyed alien plot is dragged down to earth by the exaggerated seriousness. Though the film would need humour, the scenes without the strange parasites and with a westernised Daniel Craig are sometimes funny, at least because of the actor’s fierce tenacity. Harrison Ford has a smaller presence, though I believe his few lines are appropriately impactful. Cowboys and Aliens is summer entertainment that places minimal demands on the viewer. In some ways, such as its simple understanding of the world and emphasis on outdated manliness, it is reminiscent of the kind of films that are no longer made today. However, it didn’t manage to convince me that I should regret the fact that such films are becoming increasingly rare. 60% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I was really excited to see this, even despite the strange and incomprehensible story. I thought that nothing can be more surprising than a fight between the 19th century cowboys and aliens who decide to visit an arid town in the middle of the American prairie. Let’s face it, it was all a load of hogwash, but I must admit that I had fun. The actors were cool. Their performances were standard. Harrison Ford’s might have been a bit better. He’ll probably always be charismatic. In any case, the movie’s main currency were special effects – and the authors really put a lot of work into those. It’s true that the story starts getting insane halfway through, but I didn’t really mind that much. I enjoyed it and I think that at the cinema, this experience would’ve been on a whole new level. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I am afraid that the length and content of the script did not exceed the title of the film, which promised a great adventure, and in combination with the talented creative team, ideal popcorn entertainment. The first approximately 15 minutes are divine, Craig is the ultimate tough guy, the canvas shirts smell of sweat, and everyone is carrying their guns low. Then Ford enters the scene, showcasing the most ridiculous toughness in the history of the Wild West, and everything is crowned by an absolutely asexual outfit à la Olivia Wilde's nightgown. The plot takes place in a total of 3 larger locations (with the majority of them being the wasteland of New Mexico), a larger amount of ILM fantasizing, so you can also search for it under a microscope, which raises the question: where did the 163 million from the budget go? From the beginning of the second third, it's perpetually echoing boredom, which this commercial failure fully deserves. The worst blockbuster from approximately 2-3 years ago. ()

Galéria (235)