
Based on the novel "Rush to Judgment", this chilling drama purports that JFK's assassination was a conspiracy concocted by military and industrial leaders. Burt Lancaster, Will Geer and Robert Ryan star as the three right-wing architects of the scheme. Viewing Kennedy's policies as a threat to their financial and political interests, the powerful trio hatches a plan that gains insidious momentum, culminating in the tragic events of Nov. 22, 1963. (Netflix)



ダラスの熱い日のテーマ (Executive Action) / ビッグ・ガンのテーマ (Big Guns Theme)La Gabbia)

ダラスの熱い日のテーマ (Executive Action) / ビッグ・ガンのテーマ (Big Guns Theme)La Gabbia)

Kiadta: CineDisc

Év: 1974

Ország: Japán

Formátum: LP

Felvétel: 06:03

1. SIDE A: EXECUTIVE ACTION: ダラスの熱い日のテーマ (Theme From The Film Executive Action) Randy Edelman 03:45
2. SIDE B: BIG GUNS: ビッグ・ガンのテーマ (Theme From The Film Big Guns) Gianni Ferrio 02:18