
Thomas Craven (Mel Gibson) elmagányosodott, veterán-nyomozó a bostoni rendőrség gyilkossági csoportjánál. Egy este épp rég nem látott lányával érkezik haza, amikor megtámadják őket és a 24 éves Emma (Bojana Novakovic) a karjai között hal meg. Mindenki úgy gondolja, hogy a golyót Cravennek szánták, azonban neki más gyanúja támad, ezért magánnyomozásba kezd. A nyomok az óriásvállalatok és az állam összefonódásainak tükörlabirintusába vezetnek egy bizonyos Darius Jedburgh (Ray Winstone) személyén keresztül, aki a kormány ügynökeként a bizonyítékokat tünteti el. Craven véres bosszúhadjárata egyetlen lánya gyilkosai után saját érzelmeihez és lelkiismeretéhez is elvezetik a tomboló és megállíthatatlan férfit. (Palace Pictures)


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magyar Meglepően unalmas és kevésbé tartalmas thriller. Martin Campbell "csak" egy hivatásos akciós hozzáértő, és ez a téma specifikusabb felfogást igényelt volna a hatalmi körökre figyelmeztető szomorú, lehangoló és sürgető ábrázolásban. Ráadásul a film alig tartalmaz akciót, ugyanakkor nem kínálja a nyomozói cselekmény lebilincselő kibontását - az inkább átláthatatlan, mint érdekes. Danny Huston és Ray Winstone jól lettek kiválasztva, de Winstone karaktere bűnösen alul van játszva (holott nyilvánvaló, hogy itt a második legfontosabb szerepet kellett volna játszania). Gibson jó, de a Visszavágó filmben, hát az valami egészen más volt. Akárcsak maga a film. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Dead Man Walking. Gibson great, Winstone great, Campbell is still in top form. Although a couple of scenes really made me think WTF (the end), it didn’t bother me so much that I couldn’t enjoy the rest. The action scenes are supreme to the point it’s a shame that there weren’t more of them and the final showdown was such a treat for me to watch - precisely my cup of tea. I even feel like watching the original miniseries too. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Even with his graying head, Gibson is still an instant badass who can break a diamond with a look. However, here the poor guy languishes in a blandly told story that suffers desperately from the writer forgetting to give it any sort of direction and the director forgetting to give it shape. The tragic position of the theme doesn’t work because the filmmakers don't address it (the daughter's voiceover - WTF?!) and the huge conspiracy is laughable in its naivety. The characters (and there are a plethora of them) lack any real personal background (including Gibson), so watching them move through the plot is simply not enjoyable. It’s an incredible dud and (so far) the most blown chance of the year. I am, however, interested in the TV original. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A letter to Mel Gibson:__Mel, I want to apologize. I didn't do anything as bad as the bastards who killed your daughter, but still. I was disappointed when I saw this film of yours in the movie theater. Not because of you, but because of the overcomplicated plot, the large cast of characters, and so on. It was simply impossible to navigate through Edge of Darkness... You know this, you were in it (and you were great from start to finish). But now I've brought you home on DVD and put you on the telly... It may well be a poor consolation for you, but I am giving you a fourth star. Edge of Darkness needs to be seen more than once in order to become more immersed in the plot and to take in all the information, of which there is plenty. And Mel, if you ever see him, tell Martin Campbell that he did a great job! He filmed you superbly - he handled the fight in the apartment perfectly and clearly, he did a great job on the scene with the car being shot (you know which one I mean) and he managed to create a delicious ending. Oh, and shake Ray Winston's hand, too. He could have gotten more space, but he was still great. What do you think? Welcome back, Mel, and please show up in one of these movies again soon. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Mel Gibson's tough guy image went out of style a long time ago, so we can't expect anything groundbreaking in terms of the script. Once again, there are espionage threads, a complex web of characters, and a tangle of uncertain facts that ex-cop Mel Gibson must put together, which he manages to do quite quickly. Thank God, however, we have excellent and raw action, which Martin Campbell handles brilliantly. The action scenes are not unrealistically inflated, they are powerful, bloody, and merciless. Above all, the car crash scene is awesome. Thanks of those few explosive moments, it is basically average, otherwise, there is nothing to write home about. ()

Galéria (74)