
Előzetes 1


A hatalmas Thor rettenthetetlen harcos, óriási pörölyéről legendákat mesélnek. A csatában vitéz és legyőzhetetlen, ám makacssága és hirtelen haragú természete nem teszi őt alkalmassá arra, hogy apját kövesse Ashgar trónján. Képtelen lenne megfontoltan irányítani birodalmát. Thor meggondolatlan tette miatt újra fellángol egy régi háború. Büntetésül a Földre száműzik, ahol kénytelen az emberek között élni. Amikor a világából érkező gonosz le akarja igázni a Földet, Thornak el kell döntenie, melyik oldalra áll. (UIP-Duna Film)


Videók (9)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (17)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It could have been dull weirdness with a bunch of polished mannequins, but thanks to Kenneth Branagh's pedantic guidance, it became a wonderful fairy tale with mythological proportions, a great degree of noble irony and, above all, the excellent Chris Hemsworth (who devoted at least as much effort to acting as he did to his first-class musculature) and, as always, the irresistible glossator Stellan Skarsgård. It is spoiled a bit by the equally fragile Portman and some stupid flubs in the script (maybe even in the Czech translation) as well as the slightly wooden tricks, but Fenriz doesn’t care about any of that... fans of hyper-effective blockbuster modernity may not be enticed, but for lovers of honest epics with a nice design and a magical atmosphere, Thor's Mjolnir should slap them on the head quite nicely. That’s the right frequency, Kenneth! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Thor liked me. I liked how the creators combined reality with Asgard, how they placed Thor in reality, how they made fun of everything. It was nice to watch in the context of fantasy, which I will never stop enjoying watching. They show a world that I can't even dream properly. And the creators are able to beautifully translate their fantasy into reality. Asgard was really beautifully created. Hats off to the creators for embarking on something like this, and I'm glad they want to make a much more epic story in the future and not just stop at one part. It's not quite a five-star review, but that's probably just because it feels like the creators made Men in Black with a different story. Or an interesting idea cut into jokes and with great actors. Those Men in Black back then were something I couldn't imagine as a child at all. Magnificent Sci-Fi/Fantasy and a comedy on top of that. Thor follows the same line and I enjoy it. Don't I? But there are other pieces that deserve five stars. Anyway, I'm glad such movies are being made. A person then enjoys an unusual story, comfort, pleasantness, and great actors, who are great to watch because they either play completely ordinary people or extraordinary gods. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol After embarrassing trailers and 3D conversion, I avoided watching Thor in the movie theater. Now, in retrospect, I feel that was a mistake because Branagh has delivered a terrific comic book movie that bucks the fashionable trend of machine psychoanalyses of the heroic mind, and instead has a sympathetic man land on Earth who tackles everything with a disarming combination of unearthly naivety and muscularity. The characters are as flat as ever, but the actors are excellent, it moves along nicely, and it's full of humor (or Asgard) and proper pomposity. A sequel, please! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I didn’t believe in it, even after the overall satisfied responses, but this is surprisingly pretty good. Half of the story takes place on earth, the other half in Asgard, Thor’s home planet, which looks quite gorgeous, even if you can see the lack budget a little. But I liked the scenes on earth a bit more, they are filled with pleasant light-hearted humour, especially at the beginning. By the end, unfortunately, things get awfully serious and there isn’t even a hint of humour. But it’s still pretty nice and fun to watch. The biggest surprise for me, however, is that the blond and thunderous Hemsworth is a pretty good actor… ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It’s clear to me now why a Shakespeare filmmaker like Kenneth Branagh went for this. All the scenes from Asgard seem like great theatre, with interesting characters, great fatality, betrayal, envy and jealousy. Asgard, with its megalomaniacal architecture and all its pomposity, was the most entertaining part, and the episode from Earth, thanks to the good actors, was also enjoyable, although I can't shake the impression that more unintentional humour could have been extracted from "Thor wondering among men like a bull in a china shop". Chris Hemsworth is likeable in every way, Hopkins finally after a long time in a role that suits him best; these classy characters, that's his thing. Overall an enjoyable 2 hours and I wouldn't mind a sequel. ()

Galéria (180)

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Meghalt Ray Stevenson színész


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