
  • Egyesült Államok The Big Bang Theory (több)
Vígjáték / Romantikus
Egyesült Államok, (2007–2019), 95 h 19 perc (Percek: 18–25 perc)


Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady


Steven V. Silver


Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar, Melissa Rauch, Mayim Bialik, Kevin Sussman, Carol Ann Susi, John Ross Bowie (több)
(további alkotók)

Streaming (2)

Évad(12) / Epizódok(279)


A két fizikus, Leonard és Sheldon a fekete lyukak legyőzhetetlen gravitációs erejétől kezdve az atomok bonyolult struktúrájáig mindenről bámulatos tudással rendelkeznek. Ám ha az atomok történetesen egy nő alkotórészei, mindkettejüknél megáll a tudomány. Amikor pedig Penny, aki nagyon is nő, és épp a megfelelő helyeken van atomokkal bőségesen ellátva, beköltözik a szemközti lakásba, Leonard és Sheldon univerzuma úgy kezd tágulni, ahogy sosem képzelték volna. (Pro Video Film)


Felhasználói recenzió Necrotongue ehhez a sorozathoz (292)

A mami megfigyelés (2014) (S07E18) 

angol The creators of the series are truly outdoing themselves. They presented me with a ratio of five minutes of entertainment versus fifteen minutes of boredom, despite having a star like Mary Cooper on their side, praise the Lord. Even she couldn't salvage the fiasco. / Lesson learned: Stick to agreed deadlines. ()

A határozatlansági állandó (2014) (S07E19) 

angol I braced myself for yet another dull romantic storyline, but to my unexpected delight, it turned out to be a great time. Sheldon's decision-making was spot-on, and the scene before the credits had me laughing out loud. But the get-well card for the seriously injured coworker managed to top that. This time, even Penny's storyline clicked for me. Only Raj spoiled it a bit. / Lesson learned: Careful what you wish and whom you wish it. ()

A kapcsolat diszkontinuitás (2014) (S07E20) 

angol Most of the episode felt somewhat lackluster, but Sheldon's "walk of shame" was absolutely hilarious. In typical circumstances, it might have been a clichéd, worn-out scenario, but the creators, armed with just a geology book, made me almost laugh my head off. Can't bring myself to give more than two stars, though. / Lesson learned: Avoid causing plumbing issues during a visit. ()

A bármi megtörténhet reaktiváció (2014) (S07E21) 

angol The creators' lack of originality keeps on draining the once-fun series of its charm. If memory serves me right, I stumbled upon maybe four moments that made me chuckle a little, but certainly no laugh-out-loud material. If I want relationship drama, I'll watch HIMYM. It completely ruins the vibe here. / Lesson learned: If you have to lie, at least be smart about it. ()

A Proton transzmogrifikáció (2014) (S07E22) 

angol They killed Arthur! You bastards! The creators seem to be running on fumes, simply recycling what has worked before. Bob Newhart brought the most amusement throughout the entire episode, although he didn't exactly blow my mind. Otherwise, the plot felt pretty much pointless, so it fit seamlessly into this season. / Lesson learned: Try not to have weird dreams. ()

A gorilla instabilitás (2014) (S07E23) 

angol It's all becoming clear to me. The creators of the show seem to have settled into a new standard, and they're sticking to it with pride. Unfortunately, for me, it means the humor is gradually fading away, making room for more frequent dives into relationship problems. In this department, Raj is taking the lead and becoming an increasingly annoying character. But hey, just one more episode and five more seasons, and it'll be over! / Lesson learned: A monkey hair in the soup can seriously ruin your appetite. ()

A Status quo dekompozíció (2014) (S07E24) 

angol What a fitting wrap-up for the seventh season. The creators stuck to their new standard and delivered yet another relationship-focused episode. Sure, there were moments that got a chuckle out of me, but all of them were courtesy of Sheldon. The rest of the gang played supporting roles, and the only standout was Stuart, who was exposed to daylight after losing his tomb. / Lesson learned: Travel light. ()

Season 8 (2014) (S08) 

angol Season 8 wasn't good, and I wasn't expecting anything better after my experience with the previous one. It’s the first season in which I didn't award a single five-star rating to any of the episodes. It’s true that it could have been worse, though. After the first half, the season was ready to throw in the towel, but it unexpectedly pulled itself together in the second half and scraped together three stars. It’s painful to watch a show that used to make me laugh out loud struggle forward like a leper whose disease has progressed so far that he's leaving bits of himself behind. I'm sorry the creators couldn't find it in themselves to end it all with dignity two seasons ago. / Lesson learned: Pride is pride, but money is money. ()

Lokomotívusz interruptusz (2014) (S08E01) 

angol The creators picked up right where they left off in the previous season, and unfortunately, it was at a pretty low point. Sheldon did manage to deliver some higher-quality lines here and there, but the rest of the writing felt pretty useless, much like most of the seventh season. / Lesson learned: Life is full of unpleasant moments; you'd better prepare yourself for that. ()

A Professzor paradoxon (2014) (S08E02) 

angol The creators couldn't completely steer clear of the topics that didn't grip me much, but Sheldon's storyline really kept me entertained. I found myself bursting into laughter quite frequently. I remember times when I had this much fun for a full twenty minutes. Those were the days... / Lesson learned: It's never too late to broaden your knowledge. ()

A Baseball elégtelenség (2014) (S08E03) 

angol I might have heaped too much praise on the last episode, and it looks like I got a well-deserved slap in the face to snap me back to reality. In this episode, the creators are back to their favorite formula. They sprinkle in a few humorous moments but bury them in the dull fluff of relationship drama. A prime example is the ongoing (you might even say cyclical) bickering between Leonard and Penny. / Lesson learned: Always warm up before a sports performance. ()

A kavarás kakofónia (2014) (S08E04) 

angol The only thing that truly tickled my funny bone was the dream of co-owning a comic book store. I couldn't help but burst into laughter, especially when picturing the idea involving a delivery van. But that's as far as the highlights go. The rest of the episode revisited old matters and delved into relationship drama. / Lesson learned: Think before you speak. ()

A figyelem deficiens (2014) (S08E05) 

angol A definite improvement over the previous episode. Admittedly, it was slightly ruined by yet another trip to Vegas, but the concept of forty-eight hours of intense brain activity was fantastic, and I thoroughly enjoyed how they executed it. I could relate to Leonard's experience because, like him, I often find my thoughts taking unpredictable turns when I'm deeply focused on a problem. / Lesson learned: Don't let yourself get distracted. ()

Az expedíciós megközelítés (2014) (S08E06) 

angol The sixth episode fell a bit flat for me because, unfortunately, there was no laughter on my end this time. The creators only managed to squeeze a few smiles out of me, and that feels quite lacking for a sitcom with a twenty-minute runtime. I had some optimism for the simulation segment, but Raj quickly dashed those hopes when he started a debate about Hannah Montana. / Lesson learned: When a rat backs you into a corner, it's time to strike back. ()

A félreértés irritáció (2014) (S08E07) 

angol If you find yourself short on creative inspiration, take a page from the book of the eccentric Doctor Lorvis, brought to life by Billy Bob Thornton, and success is guaranteed. That's precisely what the seventh episode felt like to me. Admittedly, the plot didn't strike me as anything extraordinary, but my soft spot for Billy Bob Thornton kicked in; he didn't even seem to be acting – he was Doctor Lorvis. / Lesson learned: Get yourself a collection of kidney stones. ()

A bál ekvivalencia (2014) (S08E08) 

angol The episode certainly didn't measure up to the good old days of The Big Bang Theory. However, I found myself surprisingly enjoying the prom for thirty-year-olds. It's kind of weird because when the whole event was being planned, my eyes rolled so far back that I felt like I was peeking into my own head. / Lesson learned: Make up for those missed experiences. ()

Az orrsövény defektus (2014) (S08E09) 

angol I had a blast with the first half of the ninth episode – Sheldon was on top of his game while fighting against the surgery. It left me a bit disappointed when the second half turned out to be a replay of worn-out conversations and dealing with unsolvable problems. However, credit where it's due, they nailed the finale, and it had me laughing out loud. / Lesson learned: Careful with the cocaine. 3*+ ()

A pezsgő kontempláció (2014) (S08E10) 

angol I'm oddly enjoying Sheldon's Fun with Flags, but I feel like the creators threw it into this episode due to their lack of invention, and it was painfully obvious. The whole pondering on the fleetingness of life didn't do much for my entertainment, and by the time the third part of the episode rolled around, it felt like déjà vu. / Lesson learned: If you pour water over a tea bag for the sixth time, you can call the resulting liquid tea, but it sure won't taste like it. 2*- ()

A tiszta szoba kontamináció (2014) (S08E11) 

angol It seems like the creators bid farewell to good ideas around the sixth season, and the occasional flashes that popped up in the seventh season practically vanished in the eighth season, further confirming my suspicions. I managed to find some humor in the scenes from the clean room, but that was about it. / Lesson learned: Avoid inhaling wool or pigeon droppings. ()

Az űrszonda trauma (2015) (S08E12) 

angol So, I'm at the midpoint of the eighth season, and I'm summoning the inner strength to tackle the second half tomorrow. Gone are the days when I eagerly anticipated each new episode; now, it's more of a self-motivation drill, as I brace myself for what I assume will mostly be boredom. The only highlights so far were the debate about compromises and the imaginary board game. I think Leonard might've cheated... / Lesson learned: Always make sure there's Wi-Fi. 2*- ()

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