
Egy genetikai kutatóintézet alkalmazottja elkeseredett kutatásba kezd a hivatalos iratok között, hogy magyarázatot találjon kislánya agybetegségének eredetére. Ezzel párhuzamosan Erlendur nyomozó vizsgálatot indít egy öregember meggyilkolásának ügyében, aki meglehetősen bizarr életet élt sötét alagsori lakásában. Ez az első látásra teljesen szokványosnak tűnő eset összekapcsolódik egy harminc évvel korábbi rejtéllyel, ami egy négyéves kislány halálát lengi körül. Úgy tűnik, a gyilkost csakis a magányos farkas, Erlendur kerítheti kézre (akinek eközben drogfüggő lányával is rendeznie kell viharvert kapcsolatát), bármilyen árat is fizessen érte. (Szimpla Film)


Recenziók (6)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It is quite unbelievable that Iceland, with around three hundred thousand inhabitants, can regularly produce films that surpass much more populous nations and established cinema. Jar City has everything that belongs to a modern crime thriller and what I appreciate in this genre. It has a believable story, with well-developed characters, tension, and above all, an atmosphere created by both the contemplative stark and yet beautiful Nordic landscape, and the dark music where the important element is played by a male choir. The cinematography also deserves recognition, as it creates stylistic shots reminiscent of Fincher's style, and sometimes plays with shocking details, whether in a medical laboratory or when discovering the victim. As the icing on the cake, it provides specific Nordic humor that is unlikely to be found in mainstream American crime films. The film is not action-packed, and the only chase scene turns into a farce when the perpetrator, a robust thug, realizes after a few dozen meters that he is being pursued by a short-statured police officer, and they soon exchange roles. National specificities are highlighted in the plot, for example, when it turns out that in desolate Iceland, everyone knows everyone. Overall impression: 80%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Pokolian sötét, egyedi hangulatú krimi. A rejtély fokozatos felgöngyölítése az által, hogy egyre több olyan lakos bukkan fel, akinek köze van a dologhoz, és olyan információkkal, amelyek a csodálkozó nyomozókat mindig egy lépéssel tovább viszik, az északi környezet zordságába és elszigeteltségébe történő egyre mélyebb merüléssel megerősítve. Egy film kiváló audiovizuális tulajdonságokkal, amely nem sok turistát vonz majd Izlandra. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I think Kormákur has slightly overstepped the pursuit of a pure Nordic detective story into hyper-gritty and hyper-tragic stylization, which does not seem very credible, especially towards the end. Otherwise, it is beautifully filmed, equipped with a stylish get-up and, above all, fabulously cast. All they had to do was push a little less and let the atmosphere and interesting characters do the talking. The director is undoubtedly talented and full of healthy energy, but Jar City just doesn’t manage to always stretch it in the ideal direction. Anyway, it's an interesting account of Icelandic identity. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol In Jar City everything is exactly as it should be, nothing is leaking, overflowing or missing. It's the type of film that few will dismiss, but it's hard to remember years later. It's just a good raw crime drama, and sympathetically believable at its core; within the confines of the genre, of course. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Jar City caught my attention with its audiovisual aspect – the rugged Icelandic landscape and the hard-thinking, religiously tuned musical score. I was a bit disappointed that the criminal plot, the identity of the perpetrator and, in fact, the narrative devices were quite transparent, and as a result there was no surprising plot twist at the end. Still, it's a noteworthy film with some typically evocative moments for Nordic cinema, and it makes for a pretty murderously depressing advert for Iceland. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The movie had a great atmosphere, but it felt like the beautiful Icelandic scenery did most of the heavy lifting. I'm not much of a fan of tropical paradises, so that aspect worked for me. The storyline was decent, but I couldn't shake the feeling that the creators missed the mark a bit. A crime/mystery/thriller/drama? I'm not so sure. There were detectives, an investigation, and a strained father-daughter relationship, yet it lacked the tension I expected. It was like someone prepared all the ingredients for a delicious meal, followed the recipe perfectly, but then left it to burn on the stove. In other words, the film didn't really hold my attention and I found myself getting bored at times. Maybe it's not entirely the fault of the filmmakers, though, because I felt similar about the book it was based on. / Lesson learned: If you want to hide a secret, make sure to use plenty of concrete. ()