Halálos ítélet



Nick Hume éli tökéletes kis életét, mígnem egy nap szemtanúja lesz saját fia halálának, akit egy banda gyilkol meg egy rituálé során. Nick bosszút áll fia gyilkosán. Ám nem is sejti, hogy tettével nemcsak magát, hanem családját is hatalmas veszélybe sodorta. (RTL Klub)

Recenziók (7)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I join the ranks of those who didn’t like the direction the story takes in the last half hour. If the film had finished three quarters in, my rating would be higher. But what happens after that is pretty awful. Kevin Bacon suddenly stops being believable and all his behaviour becomes contrived (and that also applies to other characters). A solid thriller like this deserved a better ending. I’ve nothing against Wan’s direction, I liked it, but I hope he picks a better script next time. 65% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Elmúlt a Seagal-hősök kora, a családjukat most karakterszínészek által alakított öltönyös menedzserek bosszulják meg. James Wan tudja, hogyan kell dolgozni a színészekkel, rendezői érzéke van a dinamizmushoz, a rockosan kemény, őrjöngő hangulathoz, és időnként ügyesen játszik a látványosan hosszú felvételekkel (parkoló). Ezért kár, hogy vizuálisan lenyűgöző munkáját időnként buta és logikátlan pillanatok "szokványos" szintre süllyesztik. Ezeket az iparkodó pszichológiai-érzelmi pillanatok (bensőséges beszélgetések a feleségével, a fiával) sem simítják el. Az eredmény "csak" szórakoztató és érdekes, és kíváncsivá teszi a nézőt, hogy a rendező legközelebb merre fog elindulni. Mert többre is képes, csak nehezebb neki a rendezői hozzáállását a forgatókönyvvel összhangba hozni, ami annyira jól sikerült neki a Fűrész című filmben. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol EdaS speaks to my soul, I would just add that even Arnold feeding a fawn with his daughter at the beginning of Commando was more believable than Bacon's emotional outpourings here. The action is pretty decent, Wan is good with the camera, but the rest is just bad. I don't think even Pepek Vyskoč could eat that. And back to Kevin Bacon, as brilliant as he was in The Woodsman, here I felt sorry for him. It was awful, Kevin. I miss Charles Bronson. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Kevin Bacon is a stud and he's good with a shotgun. James Wan once again revels in dark camera filters, and the whole thing is nicely straightforward and devoid of all unnecessary bullshit about morality. A simple but perfectly effective film that offers exactly what is expected of it. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A ruthless bloodbath, like it came out of the 80s. Comparisons with earlier Charles Bronson movies is certainly fitting. It’s good that Wan brought this pair back to life, because ruthless, atmospheric shootouts where the main protagonist loses everything and sets out on the road to revenge are woefully few and far between these days. And Kevin Bacon in the main role was superb. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's a pity that it's sometimes ridiculously stupid, with a lot of irrational screenplay lapses. Otherwise, this formal fetish mix of the last Rambo and Out for Justice is quite nice, with a very dedicated Kevin Bacon – the biggest asset of the film. Had Max Payne been filmed in this gloomy style, with such meticulously crafted dark backgrounds and cheeky interior shots, it could have been a delight – I want a remake directed by  James Wan, because there will be some exciting things happening in action Hollywood in a few more films. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol James Wan managed to combine two things in Death Sentence by excellently presenting a rather sad story to the audience while also returning to what he started with—intense sequences full of brutality and unabashed gore. Overall, I personally categorize Death Sentence among the darker films, whether it's the grim atmosphere or the plot itself (all of which is greatly enhanced by the camera filter, showing the entire depicted world in a somber light). Kevin Bacon doesn’t overact; I bought his final transformation without much trouble, as he really had nothing left to lose. The action scenes were genuinely gratifying; the film offers very few of them, but they have a stronger impact as a result (for example, the entire parking lot scene is effectively built up). The final confrontation, where Wan plays with shades of red, is visually striking, but it’s true that I envisioned a different ideal ending. I really liked it, but I can’t give it a perfect score; it needed a more polished script, as sometimes the characters acted quite irrationally. Otherwise, I have no complaints. I give it 80%. ()