
Az emberiség tönkretette a Földet. A bolygó egyre pusztul, a készletek kiapadóban, az emberek pedig felkészülhetnek a legrosszabbra: a gyerekeik valószínűleg az utolsó generáció itt. De nem mindenki hajlandó belenyugodni a pusztulásba. Egy csapat felfedező (Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Wes Bentley) elindul a történelem legfontosabb, legveszélyesebb útjára. Űrhajójukkal túl akarnak jutni a Galaxis határán, hogy megtudják: lehet-e jövője az embernek valahol egészen másutt... a csillagok között. (InterCom)


Recenziók (21)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A phenomenal, brilliant and incredibly captivating sci-fi blast. Nolan did it again, redefining the space genre as such. The special effects are completely absorbing, but by no means is the movie filled with green screened scenes. The effects are applied exactly where they should be, and you will enjoy them the way you’re supposed to (Jackson with his Hobbit could learn a lot from this). A special mention definitely goes to Hans Zimmer. Some people consider his music to be getting a little old, but what he shows here is beyond genius, and memories of flying through wormholes accompanied by stunning organ music give me goosebumps. The story is excellent, and I enjoyed every minute and every twist. Surprisingly, a lot of it is about emotions and love which transcends the dimensions of time and space. This works well with its tense atmosphere. I could feel the emotions stirring in me long after the final credits. McConaughey, Hathaway, Chastain, all of them were absolutely great and even Damon in an unconventional role was excellent. The first time I saw this at the cinema was a great mixture of emotions and stunning effects. Each time I watch it again, I have to admit that few films have had such an overwhelming emotional impact on me, which gives me an almost naively optimistic view of humanity. Humanity that can sacrifice itself, never gives up, keeps fighting at all costs and ends up victorious. ()

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