
Emily szociális munkás, a gyermekvédelem területén dolgozik. Azt ellenőrzi, hogy a szülők megfelelő körülmények között nevelik-e a gyermekeiket. Így találkozik a Sullivan családdal. A szülők meghallgatása rendben zajlik, ám éjjel a kis Lillith Sullivan felhívja Emilyt, hogy Margaret és Edward meg akarja ölni. Miután a gyilkosságot sikerül megakadályozni, a szülőket pszichiátriai intézetbe viszik, a kislányt pedig Emily veszi magához. Idővel egyre nyugtalanítóbb jelek utalnak arra, hogy a kislánnyal valami gond van. Emily rájön, hogy a szülei nem ok nélkül próbáltak végezni Lillith-tel, maga a gonosz lakozik benne. (HBO Europe)


Videók (3)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Case 39 is a mix of The Ring, Drag Me to Hell,... and other horror films. It takes a little of each and creates a familiar American-style dough. The little girl is not who she seems to be and the lead tastes her anger firsthand. Both Renée Zellweger and Jodelle Ferland give pretty solid performances, the film is accompanied by the old familiar but still working eerie music and the overall atmosphere grows dangerously as it progresses. In short, a film that may be a cliché, but it did its job - to scare me. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Average oldschool horror about a monster in a child's body. In the central idea and the way of killing the victims, the film is quite imaginative and original, but it lags in details, the feeling of fear or the final effect. In the end, you feel as if you have just watched an "okay" B-movie that didn’t impress you much, but you could still see the director's effort in places. Anyway, I remembered the film as much better, more horrifying and suspenseful... ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol From the fetid swamp of today's wannabe suspenseful, awkward and predictable horror films, this psychological thriller undoubtedly stands out. Orphan, made in the same year, is formally and narratively more interesting and daring, but the mysterious black-haired girl has something to offer here, too. It’s true that from the middle onwards we only wait for the slightly predictable climax, but on the other hand, the very simple script is perfectly supported by the impressive atmosphere of evil and supernatural that runs through the whole film together with the main character. It's a pity they didn't cast another actress, because I just don't like Renée Zellweger, and I don't like her dumb face in any serious film. Overall satisfaction, but if I gave the aforementioned Orphan 4*, justice calls for 3* here... ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Solid picture. Case 39 will surely be compared to Orphan, but it’s more horror, more B-movie, and also weaker. The main problem is that whereas Orphan had the likeable Vera Farmiga and the demonic performance of Isabelle Fuhram, in Case 39 Renée Zellweger is likeable only alternately (really, my feelings for the heroine changed every five minutes) and Jodelle Ferland is very unconvincing. Alvarta does show some talent, but he still has a lot to improve. I have mixed feelings due to several moments that disrupt an otherwise proper horror experience and they appear with ironclad regularity throughout the film. I’d really love to know what happened in the three years that passed since the film was made, because the trailers have a pretty interesting scene that never appears in it, and also a couple of scenes that I don’t think belong there, considering the plot. ()

Galéria (32)