Watchmen: Az őrzők

  • Egyesült Államok Watchmen
Előzetes 4
Akció / Misztikus / Sci-Fi
Egyesült Államok, 2009, 162 perc (Special Edition: 215 perc, Director's Cut: 186 perc)


Zack Snyder


Alan Moore (képregény)


David Hayter, Alex Tse, Dave Gibbons


Larry Fong


Tyler Bates


Billy Crudup, Malin Åkerman, Carla Gugino, Patrick Wilson, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jackie Earle Haley, Matthew Goode, Matt Frewer, Stephen McHattie (több)
(további alkotók)


Amerika egyik alternatív változata a nyolcvanas években, amikor a világ a háború küszöbén áll. Az álarcos hősök tevékenységét betiltották, a társadalom, amely egykor megbecsülte őket, ma már fél tőlük, és ezért az alvilágba száműzte őket. Rorschach az egyetlen hős, aki nem fogadja el ezt a helyzetet és szembeszáll az igazságosztók tevékenységét betiltó törvénnyel. Még mindig vadászik a bűnözőre, a világ számára csak jó és rossz részből áll. Amikor egykori társa gyilkosság áldozata lesz, Rorschach rájön, hogy ez valójában csak a kezdet. (UIP-Duna Film)


Recenziók (17)



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magyar [a képregényt nem ismerem] A felvételek 20%-a aktuális esemény, 80%-a flashbackek, amelyekben olyan karakterekkel ismertetnek, akikhez egész idő alatt nem találtam utat, és akik közül csak egy - Rorschach - jól megírt és eljátszott (vagyis érdekes). Gyakorlatilag nincs akció, de az egészet gyönyörű látványvilágba csomagolták, tele fantáziadús montázsokkal, lassított felvételekkel és fantasy hangulatban, ahol semmi sem lehetetlen, és ahol egy neonkék szuperhős folyamatosan filozofál valami olyan rendkívül spirituális dologról, ami meghaladja a földlakók felfogóképességét. A Watchmen: Az őrzők film első harmada lenyűgözött és magával ragadott (és kellemesen meglepett a főszereplők szexualitása, brutalitása és erkölcsi romlottsága), de alig vártam, hogy mikor érnek véget a flashbackek, és elkezdődik a filmes kaland. A második harmadban nem volt változás, kezdtem unatkozni és bosszankodni. A film utolsó harmadát szó szerint ÁTSZENVEDTEM. Ha producere lennék ennek a megalomániás R minősítésű politikai-(ál)filozófiai-fantasztikus beszélgetős filmnek, felkötném magam... ()


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angol A complex, smart, R-rated comic-book gem. I’m quite surprised by the talk about the complexity of the film, I was afraid that I would get lost because I don’t know Moore’s original. But I didn’t have any trouble and nobody capable of paying attention to a film should, either. Watchmen captivated me in several ways: the intellectual and visual aspects, the brutality and how uncompromising it is. Awesome! ()


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angol Untouched by the comics, but with thoughts of both Gilliam and Greengrass, I end up being thankful for Zack Snyder, who has grown as a filmmaker in his third film. While he was enabled by an obviously strong premise or rather its script treatment, the way Snyder presents the vast world of rejected superheroes is breathtaking. It’s a powerful reflection on America with an almost meditative thought about humans in general. It is based on excellent dialogue by a group of fresh-faced actors who are occasionally sent into excellent action sequences by the director. Rorschach's rendezvous with the cops took me far beyond mere viewer ecstasy. I left the movie theater very pensive, but a day later I was cheering and I know I have to see it at least one more time. Edit I: It was worth it. It's been a long time since I've experienced a second screening of a film that I've enjoyed so intensely. Edit II The D.C. version is "only" a gourmet cherry on top. ()


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angol The biggest surprise in years. I don't really like Snyder (300 will confirm that) and I don't know the comic books, so this seemed to be a first-class head-on collision. But after completing three hours and thirty-five minutes in the Watchmen world, I'm just in awe. I'm in awe of the narrative structure Snyder chose, how he chose rich mythology over a straightforward plot, I'm in awe of the depth of the individual characters, I'm in awe of the absolutely brilliant compositions (Hollis's last duel, in which he projects the glorious strokes of his life, Rorschach's conversion into a mask in the lair of a pedophile), I'm in awe of how Snyder transformed the indigestible fetishism and effectiveness into an incredibly coherent and aesthetically polished whole (the title sequence rolls radically, I'm speechless), I'm in awe of the inclusion of the pure comic book insert Black Freighter, which fantastically resonates with the overall tuning of the film... I'm in awe, even though there's a few unnecessary shots, a couple of deranged ties and unnecessary masturbation. I'm in awe of a film which I rank, alongside Nolan's Batman films, among the top three comic book movies that have ever hit the silver screen. I don't even know if I'm sad that I didn't see it in the movie theatre, because those nearly four hours of TV were almost a spiritual experience of pure ecstasy from post-modern mythology... ()



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angol Snyder may have huge talent, but I just don’t get why he has to build his career on copying (stealing?) other people’s work. First Romero, then Miller and now Moore. The last of then took the worst beating, because before that Snyder at least always used to put in the work of giving his “remakes" a bit of his own invention, point of view, simply something of himself (and then they make at least a bit of sense). But in this movie there is no sign of invention at all. If I had an Ikea reproduction of “The Night Watch" by Rembrandt, then I wouldn’t start singing praises about what an original and visionary artist the plagiarist is. I concede that he put a great deal of detailed work into this, and he is certainly talented, because not just any director could have succeeded in doing what he did, but the original is the original. And if Snyder had picked up a full HD camera, put on a CD with some golden oldies and s-l-o-w-l-y filmed the original comic book, it would have ended up the same. Damn it, Zack, try doing something of YOUR OWN already! Thanks in advance. The preceding reproach concerns Snyder and Snyder alone, not the Watchmen as such. As I wrote - it’s absolutely identical to the comic book which is perfect, so logically its celluloid 1:1 version must be perfect too. Well, apart from being in a way utterly pointless, because an illustration of an illustrated book is a pointless adaptation. But still perfect all the same. I seem to be going round in circles a bit. So why perfect? Because Watchmen are like the Rorschach Test. You can see boredom, the history of mankind, cool scenes, boobs, would-be cool scenes, no action scenes, penises, explicit violence, ego masturbation, cheap visuals, awesome visuals, too much footage, too little footage or an overlap long enough to build a bridge across the English Channel with. Just whatever you want. I just don’t know whether to give it a full set of stars or none at all! Both would be absolutely right. I even thought about giving it three stars, but compromise is not the solution here. Rorschach would have bitten my head off. ()


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angol Not a year has passed since The Dark Knight and suddenly crowds of people were shouting that Watchmen was too serious for a comic book movie and therefore ridiculous. On the other hand, Batman's established visual style is so firmly maintained that Zack Snyder's work has suddenly become too colorful for a serious drama. And the prejudices, apart from the puritan part of society, have also started to affect the average viewer, who suddenly cannot digest a few non-offensive "blue" shots. And so, they miss out on the pleasure of a brilliant adaptation, masterful direction, and performances that not only do not disrupt but precisely fulfill each character and flawlessly disrupt all the previous superhero stereotypes. In my eyes, Watchmen is a masterpiece that paradoxically surpassed its time. They are modern and, despite their generous length, very skillfully directed, but its nostalgic melancholy still has no place in the genre. However, it can easily become an untouchable idol for all those who accept it. ()


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angol I was bored as hell for most of the movie, sitting around and actually waiting for a few brighter spots. The bright spots were definitely not worth it though, so I left the cinema pretty bored and annoyed. Worse, though, was that the person who talked me into seeing this "major motion picture" (major only in terms of its running time) was even angrier than I was. 2.5 stars. ()


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angol What to say? I don't know. Somehow I ran out of words. Not that this movie took them away from me, but I just can't think of anything to say other than it was a clever ride on a spiral of edginess, wit, thought and pain. Even though I'm not a fan of the source material – I haven't read the comic and know nothing about it – I liked the movie. I believe there's a lot of good stuff missing. But I also believe that such a social probe among a superhero group, no one will ever let go and I may never see the "inside" again. Probably a shame. ()


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angol Many adjectives can be used for his film. It is impressive, visually polished, excessively comic book-like, and stylishly action-packed. It is a bombastic spectacle that reminds me of the opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing. Unfortunately, I have always preferred small theater forms and similar shows where the idea does not disappear in favor of impressive action that does not impress me. It is over-stylized, illogical, and cold. It is a certain tribute to comics, but to the ones that never appealed to me, namely the superheroes. It is exactly the type of production where I get the impression that the film heroes go through so much effort to achieve a banal goal. I always remember the scene from the first Indiana Jones movie, where a native warrior dramatically fences with a sword in front of a surprised Indiana Jones, only for him to eventually pull out a gun and shoot the warrior while saying "Go to hell." For example, the scene where the villain breaks into the victim's apartment, beats him up for a long time using all the furniture in the room, and breaks a table with him, only to eventually throw him through specially reinforced glass onto the pavement instead of pulling out a gun and shooting him. It is indeed impressive, but incredibly stupid. Watchmen is exactly the type of film where style and effects are everything. Overall impression: 60%. I do not regret seeing  Watchmen, but I do not intend to return to the film in the future. Fans of blockbusters can easily add two stars. ()


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angol I’m not completely sure what to write. It’s definitely not a straight 5, because Moore’s content far surpasses Snyder’s form. The movie seemed to me terribly cursory at times, but still worked excellently and all the viewers got to know all they needed. I can safely say that it was a three hour ride without a dull moment. But it definitely isn’t the best comic book film. Oh and by the way: right in the middle of the finale when the plot was as its climax the projector broke down and caused an awful 5 minute intermezzo filled with hectic activity of my brain thinking about how it would end. ()


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angol An amazing visionary masterpiece. Snyder wasn't afraid to unleash himself again and he did it excellently. Watchmen is a sumptuous affair even for those unfamiliar with the comics and the story itself. The large number of flashbacks may be a bit demanding on concentration, but it can be managed. The action is gripping and intellectually precise and unprecedentedly stylish. Zack got his hands dirty and delivers something that pushes contemporary modern cinematography a bit further. After Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace defined a new pattern for action movies and charismatic heroes in the current world and kinetic action, now there’s a new milestone in the genre of comic book sci-fi. ()


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angol It’s not that the theatrical release is bad, definitely not - in fact, it's one of the very best comic book movies. However, the three and a half hour long Ultimate Cut is truly the ultimate thing, with everything in it. The creators understood perfectly what Moore's comic is about and what it has to say, the story flows great and blends perfectly with the animated Tales of the Black Freighter storyline, and some of the secondary characters are given more space and the main ones are...even more main. I don't think the new scenes give the film any different meaning (like in Cameron's The Abyss), but they definitely enhance the experience. The fact that Snyder's direction is perfect probably doesn't need to be mentioned, but still - where does one get that feeling when watching the opening credits? And then why does one smile for over three hours at what a sensational spectacle it is? And why can't I still decide who, if anyone, of all these characters is actually behaving well? Watchmen offers new and newer things to think about, new and newer tidbits and references - it just keeps having something to say, and like the book, this film never ceases to fascinate and entertain me. ()


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angol The first two acts are an amazing comic book ride that had me thoroughly engrossed with first-class visual effects, an interesting portrayal of the main characters, a dark atmosphere reminiscent of classic crime films and last but not least a promising story with a captivating apocalyptic vision. And, as we know from Zack Snyder, it's not without brutality, sex and a bunch of other "vices" that we'd be hard pressed to find in other comic book movies. Everything works perfectly, the long runtime races to the finish line at lightning speed and the story never ceases to captivate with its perfect visual concept. However, in the end, exactly what I feared happened, Snyder, as with 300, fails to pull it off, and the film's finale comes across as a desperate and naive patchwork of big-headed dialogue about saving the world that overcomes the carefully constructed message of Watchmen. The first two hours are clearly worth 5*, but I'm not going to forgive Snyder for the stupid political fantasy of the last half hour, which sent the carefully constructed story and brilliantly sketched characters inexorably down the drain. ()


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angol Zack Snyder created the most complex comic book film I’ve ever seen. While I still rank Nolan’s The Dark Knight highest among superhero movies, Watchmen feels as though the comic created by Alan Moore has truly come to life (in this regard, it outshines its competitors; the transition to the big screen is simply breathtaking). I intentionally watched the longest available version, which runs 215 minutes, because I wanted the full experience. And it delivered. Snyder captivated me right from the opening scene with his visuals (the combination of sound and image plays perhaps the most crucial role here), where there's no attempt at the beautiful, colorful optimism of Marvel films; instead, most of the runtime immerses you in a grim darkness filled with criminals, all wrapped in a veneer of considerable brutality. Add a potential third world war into the mix, and you definitely won’t be bored. Each character is portrayed in intricate detail; Snyder focuses on dialogues that make sense, and you gradually understand the motivations of each protagonist/antagonist (Rorschach, in particular, steals the show; his monologues and pessimistic narration made me reflect more than once). Action isn’t the main focus, but when it does occur, it’s impactful, bloody, and flawlessly shot. The soundtrack further elevates the film. It’s a pity that such a talented director as Snyder was let go by WB because, in my opinion, only he could succeed with such types of comic book adaptations and bring his unforgettable and revolutionary style to them. If you haven’t seen the film yet, get up immediately and fix it! It’s an outstanding masterpiece in every way that has earned its place in my rankings of the best films in the genre. I’m giving it 94%. ()


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angol For me, this is one of the best comic book adaptations ever made. The fact that I didn't give a full rating, only 95%, is because the comic is simply unsurpassable and could never have been brought to the screen as it was created. Still, Zack Snyder managed to present the main ideas, he captured the relationships and characters perfectly, and the atmosphere of the time is absolutely brilliant. I think this is one of the few Moore adaptations that even the author wouldn't be ashamed of. And yet he renounced it... Well, it can't be helped. I'll be watching this movie many times. ()


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angol From the opening minutes I was straight up snorting with bliss :)) For me personally, the most captivating (emotionally speaking) was the first third, in which Snyder delivers a ready-made visual orgy that works really well in conjunction with the polished sound, perfect editing, and spectacular slow-motion shots. I was just imagining during the first half hour how much better the Watchmen could be in an avatar-like 3D style. On the other hand, in hindsight I think that a film dealing with so many serious themes could have been rather harmed by the 3D "coat". I like that Zack Snyder is following Chris Nolan's lead (at least in this one), and just as in Batman Begins, the audience is presented with the idea that we can take the fate of superheroes seriously, unlike Schumacher's ultra-commercial and ultra-crappy attempts, for example. In short, Zack Snyder has taken on the adaptation of the best and most acclaimed comic book with all the flair he can muster, and has made a well conceived, complex piece of entertainment that works in almost every way, and which also boasts of having "that something" extra. The screenplay doesn't clang too much despite the length of the film itself, but when compared to the brilliant work of the Nolan brothers on The Dark Knight it probably remains beyond the horizon.:), though I didn't have such high expectations before watching it, so I'll gladly forget that comparison. P.S.: during the closing credits I just lamented the wasted experience in the cinema :( ()


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angol “Who watches the watchmen?” Three and a half hours of complete bliss. Brilliant, excellent, perfect, one of the best movies I've ever had a chance to watch. This movie simply has everything I've ever wanted to see in a single feature. I haven't read the comic book, but if it's even better than this awesome movie, I’m off to buy it. (And after reading the book, I’ve simply run out of superlatives. A story with an incredibly deep message and substantiated self-criticism of humanity as such. Each storyline has its special role, each one amazing and almost terrifying in many instances.) ()