Arthur és a villangók

Előzetes 2


Arthur, mint a legtöbb tízéves gyerek, esténként szájtátva hallgatja nagymamája meséit. Álmaiban misztikus törzsek és furcsábbnál furcsább találmányok bukkannak fel. Különös képzeletvilágának fő forrása a négy évvel ezelőtt nyomtalanul eltűnt nagypapa varázskönyve, amely teli s tele van soha nem látott, izgalmas lényekkel. A kisfiú egyre gyakrabban teszi fel magának a kérdést: mi van, ha ezek a történetek mind igazak? Ha a kertjükben tényleg mesés kincs rejtőzik? Ha a villangók, ezek a kedves, aprócska lények, akiket nagyapja rajzain látott, tényleg élnek valahol? Nos, mindez bizonyosan segítene kihúzni a családot a csávából, egy gátlástalan ingatlanfejlesztő ugyanis le akarja rombolni a nagypapa házát. Arthur tehát elszánja magát, és a nagyapja által hátrahagyott jeleket követve elindul felfedezni a villangók titokzatos világát, hogy megkeresse a mesés kincset és megmentse a családi otthont. (Gamma Home Entertainment)


Recenziók (5)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Although the live-action beginning is surprisingly weak (and Mia Farrow unfortunately proves that she is only a harmless grandmother cast for her name), once it switches to animated mode, everything suddenly falls into place. The escapades lack tension, but the unusual relationship with the princess adds interest, and all the heroic and regal pathos is the perfect ingredient. It's a pity that as a whole, it's actually a harmless journey there and back again, targeting slightly older viewers who could easily handle a higher level of sequel. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The animated passages are great, the acting is terrible. If Luc Besson had taken more care and kept the pace and especially the atmosphere at the same level all the time, it could have been very good. As it is, it alternates boredom with enthusiasm. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The way it's Besson-esque in its raunchiness and a bit sleazy made me enjoy it more than the current animated first leagues who bust their asses to not accidentally get in someone's face too much and keep giving those motivations and good examples. Because here, like everywhere else, Besson is making a film for himself. But by the way it's honestly aimed at kids, it becomes a pretty unique uncanny object, with a 50-year-old Madonna kissing a 13-year-old Highmore who admires her ass getting into a car. This inappropriateness then actually makes it quite a unique viewing experience, only I'd rather have the curtains drawn while watching it. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol When I mentioned the film "The Spiderwick Chronicles," that "Arthur and the Invisibles" is among the better films that Freddie Highmore has made as a child star, I thought it would be worth taking a look at the entire minimoys trilogy created by Luc Besson in the new millennium - yes, that Besson who has such hits as "Leon" or "The Fifth Element." "Arthur and the Invisibles" is actually not a bad film at all. An interesting world of tiny creatures is created here, it is quite a science to get to them, it all generally looks very believable, and it is also in a retro style, almost one could say that Besson was inspired by Burton, but almost completely avoided dark colors. Although it is possible to find places where darkness exists underground. The well-acted characters also give the film a stamp of quality. Betameche, played by Jimmy Fallon, is great, as well as Selenia, played by Madonna. Among the famous names of the voice actors, Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, David Bowie, David Suchet, and Jason Bateman also appear. Only Jimmy Fallon and Snoop Dogg returned for the second part (from this list). The first part is in a way closed, although there is an open ending for a sequel. But it should never have happened. As one film, it would work well, it had a pleasant atmosphere, but as a trilogy, it is a disaster. More: ()