Ali Zaoua, prince de la rue

  • Egyesült Államok Ali Zaoua, Prince of the Streets
Marokkó / Tunézia / Franciaország / Belgium, 2000, 95 perc


Ali, Kwita, Omar, and Boukber are a group of street urchins living on the hard streets of Casablanca. Their everyday lives are filled with violence, begging, and indifference. In order to survive they create a bond of friendship and family between then. The bond is cut short when Ali is senselessly killed at the beginning of the film by a blow to the head; his life taken by a single act of a rival gang. Ali's friends decide not to report his death to the police, who would have the boy buried in a potter's field. Instead they decide to give him a worthy burial, to bury Ali on the private island he so often dreamed of. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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