
Nem mindenki akar király lenni - és ez különösen igaz behemót, mocsárbűzös ogrékra. Amikor Shrek feleségül vette Fionát, eszébe sem jutott, hogy egyszer Túl az Óperencián trónjára akarják majd ültetni. Ám apósa, az öreg Harold király váratlanul megbetegszik és Shreket tekinti a trón várományosának. A birodalom húzódozó jövendő királya vagy talál maga helyett valaki mást a munkára, vagy élete hátralévő részét uralkodással kell töltenie. Mintha ez még nem volna elég, Fiona hercegnő is tartogat egy kis meglepetést Shrek számára. Shrek bepánikol az ország kormányzásával és az apasággal járó felelősségtől és elhatározza, hogy felkutatja az egyetlen személyt, aki rajta kívül elfoglalhatja a trónt. Ő nem más, mint Fiona rég elveszett unokaöccse, Artie, egy középkori iskolakerülő. Amíg az ogre távol van, esküdt ellensége, a Szőke Herceg visszatér Túl az Óperenciánba, hogy elégtételt vegyen az őt ért sérelmekért. Shrek és Artie csak a szószátyár Szamár, a csalafinta Csizmás Kandúr és Fiona barátnői segítségével tudják legyőzni, hogy a film végére megint mindenki boldogan éljen. (UIP-Duna Film)


Recenziók (8)


Isherwood Boo!

az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A concentration of awkwardness and wretchedness meet in an intrusive farce that trumps, in its vileness, even Disney family shenanigans with children and animals. Children will probably laugh and clap at it, but the pop-culture-craving viewers will cry like never before. The beloved characters are the losers you pity for not having a script to read during the redaction process - they wouldn't do this again even for record financial offers. At the same time, I would like to know who embezzled the $160 million budget because it’s nowhere to be seen in the film. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An awful disappointment. Shrek the Third isn’t a downright bad movie, but it’s so awfully average that it is completely uninteresting. Andrew Anderson is sorely missing. The worst thing is that even this part had huge potential. The amount of jokes and humor that could be gleaned from the excellent idea of all of the baddies from fairytales ganging up on the goodies. The final idea with the theatre performance was just crying out for nods... But no. References here were scarce as hen’s teeth and the humor has totally disappeared. All we are left with is a couple of wannabe funny situation gags, but there is a bare minimum of these too. And it isn’t that the humor here didn’t work, but nobody even tries use any. The exception to this is the Gingerbread Man. He is responsible for the only two scenes that worked in the entire movie. They rely on the crowds being satisfied just with the good old characters we met before. So Shrek has sunk into the sea of average family animated movies that part one did so much to stand out from. Now it offers adults nothing better than the same old never-ending stream of colorful dross for the very youngest kids. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol You cannot set foot in the same river twice. But perhaps on the third attempt, you will successfully, albeit stumblingly, ford it. Andrew Adamson is gone, replaced by a team of screenwriters who believe in themselves to a noticeably lesser extent than their predecessors, but I consider both to be positives. Not that references to popular culture have completely disappeared; this flaw persists, to the detriment of the narrative. And yet the story, despite various clichés or variations of familiar plots, races forward at a surprisingly brisk pace. Donkey still teeters on the edge of humor and obnoxiousness, Puss in Boots is the ideal partner, Fiona a devoted wife, and Shrek somehow still comes along unwillingly. And to my surprise, I am entertained by all of it. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol No fun. And if a family comedy isn’t fun, what’s it good for? The jokes are either lame or stolen from past episodes (kitty eyes). And what happened to the real Shrek? Just a poor caricature of past episodes is all that’s left. I’m all for character development, but not in the wrong direction. The only ones I was actually pleased with were the dronkeys. On the level, I don’t want a part 4. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol So it's true... Things really started to go downhill with Shrek in the third film. And not only with Shrek, but with the whole of the fairy tale kingdom. I have to say that out of all the ideas the creators came up with this time, I really liked only two: the king's funeral and the cat's view of the donkey. Otherwise, all the humor disappeared, as did all the magical atmosphere, and I was disappointed by the stupid wizard Merlin, dubbed by Eric Idle, not to mention the kids and Arthur. That’s too bad. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Shrek didn't deserve such a brutal tarnishing of his reputation. Everything that was so brilliant the first two episodes is here unbelievably mechanical, stilted and unfunny, the story is silly and unexpectedly boring, and Prince Charming is one of the least likeable characters ever to appear in an animated film. The old friends may have stayed on and tried hard to keep the story afloat, but not even a real first-class actor can resurrect a bad film, let alone computer-generated, albeit extremely likeable, characters. I suffered through it once, I never want to see it again. 40% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Shrek the Third is an illustrative (and a little sad) example of how two great films can be followed by a very mediocre sequel that lacks the cool atmosphere that the audience was used to. I'm not saying I didn't have fun at all, but I was distracted by several things (or characters). I’m talking about the uninteresting new characters of Arthur and Merlin, and the annoying Prince Charming. Even Shrek's coming to terms with his new role in family life didn't entertain me as much as it probably should have. The gang of princesses like Charlie's Angels had its charms, though. Three and a quarter stars! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is definitely the least successful part of the entire series, focusing unnecessarily too much on Shrek becoming a father. It's talked about constantly, but there's no real climax, and the resolution is overall too simple. Too simple considering it was actually the central theme. The jokes are weak, there are minimal references to other movies, and it doesn't play well with the fairy tale realm either. It's just an attempt to squeeze money out of the viewers' wallets. ()

Kapcsolódó hírek

Megvan az ötödik Shrek premier időpontja

Megvan az ötödik Shrek premier időpontja


A Shrek meglehetősen előkelő helyet foglal el a népszerű animációs filmek között. Bár a mesesorozat első részének bemutatója óta több mint 25 év telt el, a hős még mindig él, és tagadhatatlanul… (több)