
When Sarah (Neve Campbell) strikes up a conversation with a sad-eyed man called Alex (William H. Macy) at her therapist's office, she asks, "Are you one of those middle-aged guys who's tired of his marriage and thinking maybe a beautiful young thing could help him out?" She's right, but the source of Alex's depression is far from typical: he's a second-generation hit man who wants out, but his mom and dad won't let him quit. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)



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Meghalt Donald Sutherland

Meghalt Donald Sutherland


Nagyon szomorú hír érkezett az Egyesült Államokból. Nyolcvannyolc éves korában elhunyt Donald Sutherland, óriási, termékeny amerikai színész, az a sokoldalú magas ember, aki mintegy kétszáz filmes és… (több)