A negyedik emelet

  • Egyesült Államok The 4th Floor


Jane (Lewis) has inherited a rent-controlled brownstone apartment from her aunt, and, despite her boyfriend's (Hurt) appeals, has decided to move in and live on her own for the first time. Almost immediately she is introduced to the pleasures of living in an apartment building, as she quickly draws the ire of her downstairs neighbor (on the titular 4th floor), who pounds on his ceiling to let her know that her furniture moving is disturbing him. The next morning, she finds a warning note on her door, which she quickly dismisses. However, as more drastic actions seem to be taken against her, such as infestations of mice and cockroaches, and even break-ins, Jane begins to suspect that her neighbor wants her out. Determined to stand her ground, Jane ignores her boyfriend's pleading and decides to stick it out. But when she is attacked in her home, Jane decides to take action herself. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)



Kapcsolódó hírek

Elhunyt Shelley Duvall színésznő

Elhunyt Shelley Duvall színésznő


Hetvenöt éves korában csütörtökön a texasi Blancóban elhunyt Shelley Duvall amerikai színésznő. A halál oka a régóta fennálló cukorbetegséghez kapcsolódó komplikációk voltak. Ezt a hírt a színésznő… (több)