
Josey Aimesnek tönkrement a házassága. Egyedülálló anyaként minden munkát elvállalt, hogy el tudja tartani a gyermekeit. Végül a hetvenes években az asszony visszatér a Minnesota állambeli szülővárosába, és az egyik vasbányában talál állást magának. Bár a munka rettentően nehéz, de megélhetést biztosít számukra. Azzal viszont nem számolt, hogy lépésével kivívja a férfi kollégái ellenszenvét. Josey hamarosan állandó molesztálás célpontjává válik. A vita még jobban elmérgesedik, amikor Josey zaklatás miatt keresetet ad be a bányatulajdonosok ellen. A film megtörtént esetet dolgoz fel. (HBO Europe)


Recenziók (3)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A very intense and uniquely crafted film that deals with a very sensitive topic in a truly passionate way, which makes it perhaps all the more interesting. The director's name might surprise you, as she has no experience to speak of, yet it doesn't diminish the quality of the film in the slightest, her skill could rival that of others. Charlize Theron takes on the lead role with her typical enthusiasm and emancipation, and the caring mother she portrays is fantastic. The sensitively portrayed bond of the rural family is excellent and grabs the viewer's heart, as do the harsh scenes from the mines, which are interesting in their visual austerity and rawness. An intelligent and captivating film full of extraordinary moments. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol On the problem of sexual harassment in a country where even the compliment "You look good today, miss" is often a case for a lawyer, I have my own opinion, and the film might give the impression that most of the male population are chauvinistic pigs, but I think Niki Caro was on to something else. It's about showing the need for normal human respect that women deserve in a distinctly male environment, the senselessness of the prejudices against them, and the fact that constant sexual innuendo may not logically be to women's liking. All the scenes from the mine where Charlize's character experiences humiliation are impressive (including the believable setting), but on the other hand the film loses some of its breath whenever we find ourselves in the courtroom and the final catharsis doesn't have the power to send chills down the spine. But Charlize is great as the brave, headstrong woman and literally pulls the whole film through despite the weaker moments when it grinds. And a double treat as a bonus: seeing Woody Harrelson in a more prominent role for the first time in a long time, and Sean Bean in a positive role. Here again I miss a full rating – 3 and a half *. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Just a few more scenes with polished performances from Charlize would mean absolute perfection. But seriously. As a movie it’s good, but I didn’t like the otherwise highly praised camerawork. In itself the camerawork is nice, but in this sort of movie I want it to bond me with the main protagonist and not to show off, flying off all the time filming hillsides, forests and Minnesota’s industrial landscape. However, this is a mere detail in comparison to how much the awfully Hollywoodized (read “kitschy") screenplay annoyed me. As a result, this barely has anything to do with that famous case at all. In fact, it’s only bearable thanks to the actors. Or rather actresses, to be precise and so that I don’t get labeled by domestic useresses of being a chauvinist macho pig. ()

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