
Pete Lassard kapitánynak (Howard Hesseman) alaposan meggyűlt a baja a körzetében tevékenykedő bandákkal. Ha nem sikerül leszámolnia velük sürgősen, elveszti az állását, amelyre már szemet is vetett Mauser hadnagy (Art Metrano). Épp kapóra jön a rendőrakadémián frissen végzettek hada: Mahoney (Steve Guttenberg), aki soha nem akart zsaru lenni, Hightower (Bubba Smith), a fegyverbolond Tackleberry (David Graf), a hangeffektusaival népszerű Jones (Michael Winslow) és a többiek. És ezzel Lassardnak sikerül elérni azt, hogy immár nemcsak az utcákon, hanem a rendőrségen belül is teljes legyen a káosz. (Film+)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's not as good as the first film anymore, but there are moments in it that I really like. However, I don't like the finale with the gang at all, and especially Steve Guttenberg is so...complacent in this installment. He overacts too much and it doesn't fit into the whole picture, which is saying something. Definitely, the first half of this film is better, especially the various pranks on Mauser. But those points are also from nostalgia. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Police Academy 2 renewed both the cast and the setting, which had its pros and cons. Unfortunately, Mauser didn't have the same villainous charisma as Harris, but on the other hand, I enjoyed and was amused by the presence of Zed and Mr. Sweetchuck, who were the main source of entertainment. The sequel, while failing to reach the quality of the first film, is still a solid and entertaining comedy about the first deployment of "seasoned" rookies who can cause proper mayhem. ()


Galéria (31)