Mennyei Királyság

  • Egyesült Királyság Kingdom of Heaven (több)
Előzetes 3


1186. Balian (Orlando Bloom) az ifjú francia kovács feleségét és kisgyerekét gyászolja, amikor találkozik Gottfrieddal (Liam Neeson) Jeruzsálam királyának kegyeltjével, aki éppen őt keresi: hiszen a fiatalember az ő törvénytelen gyereke. Baliannak nincs vesztenivaló-ja, csatlakozik a sereghez. Megesküszik apjának, hogy annak urát (Edward Norton) fogja szolgálni, és elindul a többiekkel a hosszú útra, Jeruzsálem felé. Csatákon, árulásokon, szövetségeken keresztül jutnak el a szent városba, és nem a béke várja őket. Baliannak nemcsak a barátait kell megmentenie, hanem a várost és a királyságot is. (InterCom)


Videók (4)

Előzetes 3

Recenziók (10)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A producerek, élükön Ridley Scott-tal, remeghetnek, mert Mennyei Királyság csak egy kicsit vonzóbb a mainstream közönség számára, mint üzleti bukás Nagy Sándor, a hódító. Magát a cselekményt inkább a mellékszereplők, mint a főszereplő mozgatják. Ez utóbbi csak a végén jut szóhoz. És a mellékszereplők nem elég kidolgozottak ahhoz, hogy kiemeljék a filmet a történelmi események történelmi rekonstrukciójának mély vizeiről. Ez a rekonstrukció tele van érdekes párbeszédes gondolattal, de hiányzik belőlük mélyebb összefüggés a képpel. Az önmagában is gyönyörű - a képeknek minden egyes helyszínen van hangulata és poétikája, és ez az egyik dolog, ami a filmet egy osztállyal jobbá teszi, mint amilyen Nagy Sándor, a hódító című film volt. Ugyanez elmondható a meglepő politikai korrektségről és a szentimentális, azaz a tömegnézők számára érthető háborúellenes üzenetről is. Négy csillagot adok még a Harry Gregson-Williams filmzene, a Sibilla szemei miatt a bástyákon vívott, korrekten kivitelezett záró csata miatt. Van olyan férfi a világon, aki ellen tudna állni neki? ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Theatrical cut: 3/5 The movie chugs along pleasantly throughout its running time, but is nothing earth-shattering. So Alexander remains the best historical picture of recent months, although Kingdom is certainly worth seeing on the big screen. Director’s cut: 5/5 Historically more accurate (but not completely), more ambitious in terms of message and the characters suddenly have absolutely convincing motivation. It is almost incredible that by adding just that one storyline involving Sibylla’s son fundamentally changes the motivation, actions and overall impression given by all of the main protagonists and therefore of the entire movie. And, rather paradoxically, despite its considerably longer running time, it becomes far more hard-hitting than the theatrical cut, so much so that it is the best historical epic of the past few decades. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol In the cinema version, the editor's hand was all too evident, Balian's rise up the ladder of social prestige is too hasty. As if the change from an insignificant blacksmith's nobody to a man who becomes the king's favourite, and to whom all Jerusalem bows down in the end and listens to his word in its moments of need, could be so simple. Unfortunately, the almost one hour longer director's cut that I just got my hands on didn't do much to improve my impression in this regard. Even so, the added scenes make the film feel more whole and much more emotional, especially with the added storyline of the illness and death of Sibylla's son and heir to the throne, which is quite crucial to the development of the plot. Also very nice is the added scene with the burning bush, full of symbolism of the nature of warfare in the Middle East. But there are also some scenes that don’t make much sense for the development of the plot. Bottom line: Scott's magnum opus isn't a riveting film, but it is insightful and thoughtful, with an ambition to make a point, and that's appreciated. And the final peace deal between Balian and Saladin, Christian and Muslim, must be a literal caress for every peacenik on this earth :o) ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Ridley Scott goes on a crusade without fear, but he came late. At a time when the end of heroic epics was being openly discussed, he embarked on a path destined for failure. A politically directed and brilliantly crafted path, but unfortunately, a very risky one. His direction, the stunning camera work, and, last but not least, Harry Gregson-Williams' chilling music take your breath away. And when the sword is bravely lifted by the deeply underestimated Orlando Bloom, I can only nod approvingly and follow him to Jerusalem. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Ridley Scott's Gladiator is said to have launched a major comeback of historical-mythological epics in the year 2000. And it is said that Kingdom of Heaven by the same director is a kind of last chance of this genre, which shone after less than five years, collected a lot of awards and is gradually clearing the way for a more lucrative Hollywood item. If that's the case, then Scott composed another go for the spiritless and empty Gladiator at just the right time. Kingdom of Heaven is not a flawless work, it is a typical "more successful Hollywood spectacle," characterized by partial courage in relaxing the form in favor of the content and a noticeable phobia of doing so as a result. From the very first seconds, it is clear that the scenery and artificiality of Gladiator did not stem from Scott's momentary weakness, but rather that the English legend could not imprint a certain specificity on historical places and persons... everything is artificial, clearly sketched, functioning according to the mechanical rules of the average screenplay. The people are only black and white, all places radiate the halo of a costly expedition, but they lack the hallmark of authenticity and suggestion. But while the backdrop of Rome was covered with great nothingness, the backdrops of the 12th century have at least something worth exploring. At the heart of the film is Orlando Bloom, who has finally managed to play someone other than a soulful elf prince. True, his panic purity remains, but the young idealist Balian has a human, flawed aspect. The fact that it remains only on the plane of a sketch, on which Scott piles up garish paste clichés, is another matter. Fortunately, the young star is backed from all sides by excellent actors, of whom I must particularly mention the charismatic Marshal Tiberias played by Jeremy Irons. Kingdom of Heaven has little to do with history - it is a film that is more or less current and uses the backdrop of the Crusades and the Middle Ages only as a means of sending a message of tolerance between Christians and Muslims. It is a moralistic message, in a way presented tamely, but above all fun and, at certain moments, very impressive (the battle between the Christians and Muslims in the ruins of the holy city walls). Questions of faith, honor and sacrifice are heard in typically cautious packaging, but it's good that they get their place... If I think of the excellent soundtrack and relatively well-conceived battle scenes (the fact that Scott confuses the early Middle Ages with fantasy is something I prefer to leave out), this is one of the best representatives of a "historical" film, beating both Troy and Gladiator. Kingdom of Heaven isn't a great film, but it's a film about something that's appreciated. ()

Galéria (75)