In a Violent Nature



The resurrection, rampage, and retribution of an undead monster in a remote wilderness unleashes an iconic new killer. (Altitude Film Distribution)

Recenziók (5)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Egy meglehetősen demens, bár formailag játékos slasher az alműfaj rajongóinak. Túlzott, szinte bestiális brutalitással próbál sokkolni, de ennyi az egész, amire képes. Mintha nem tudná, hogy a néző felejthetetlen megijesztéséhez a másik úton, a pszichológián keresztül vezet az út. Az új Jason Voorhees szerepjátéka örömteli, és felkelti a várakozást a forgatókönyv meglepetéseire, de azok nem jönnek. A párbeszédek pedig, amelyek megpróbálnak némi hátteret adni a „történetnek”, tanácstalanok. Igazából csak kettő van (hacsak nem számítjuk azokat, amelyek arról szólnak, hogy valaki az erdőbe megy kakálni): az elsőnek, á la A köd című film, ahol a kamera egy csapat tinédzser körül kering a tábortűznél, miközben egy legendát mesélnek, semmi hangulata nincs. A második, az autóban játszódó pedig feleslegesen hosszú, és hiába próbál egzisztenciális magyarázatot adni az átélt erőszakra. A minimalista elbeszélés egyetlen pozitívuma a megmutatott és a megmagyarázott dolgok enyhe fokozatossága, vagyis az olyan pillanatok időzítése, mint a gyilkos elcsúfított arcának első leleplezése. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Conceptually good ( I can appreciate the very unsatisfying ending in this respect), but unfortunately it's not much fun to watch. The gore is okay, but it's not enough. I was expecting more, even though I read in the reviews before the screening that there wasn't enough of it. :D Visually the film looks nice, you can easily pull off nice images fully evoking the atmosphere of 80's slashers, but in motion it's a very uninspired and emotionless film most of the time. When it comes to some of the dialogue, it sounds like the characters are reading it out of a piece of paper. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol My impressions after watching. Decent and delicious (I wouldn't be angry if there was twice as much), there are only about five gore scenes, which is not much considering that the film is based on that, but they are good, and I think nothing will beat the scene with the hook this year, it was a fatality like from Mortal Kombat! I also liked the original perspective of the killer and the 80's atmosphere, I liked the overall look of the main mutant, who also uses interesting weapons and the kills are just nice and creative (he has a knack for cutting heads in different ways). The fact that there is no plot, no supporting characters and no dialogue is to be expected, what disappointed me a bit is the finale. In the last fifteen minutes the film turned into a talky drama, and where Chris Nash should have really leaned in and added to the carnage, he took his foot off the throttle and it ends so blandly. Too bad, it's like a 3.5, but I'll give a reluctant 4 stars in the end because gore is my thing and the look of the killer is original. Now it would like Scream from the perspective of the killer please ! :) 65% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The amphibious man wanders through Canadian mixed forests in a torn flannel shirt, with the sound of his footsteps resembling those from Hunting Unlimited, while the viewer is constantly on his tail. It’s an interesting slasher concept as slow cinema in the footsteps of Malick and Gus Van Sant, and perhaps also a nature documentary that might lull tourists into a false sense of security about how close they can get to danger without harm. In this dreamlike atmosphere, the violence is either subtly hidden or, amidst unpleasant sounds, the viewer isn’t spared. It’s not groundbreaking, as the genre’s limits don’t allow for that, but the uniqueness works. At the end in the car, the flow falters a bit, but I still found myself searching for him among the trees, like I did once with Billy and Dutch. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol In a Violent Nature isn’t for everyone, and I can easily imagine die-hard slasher fans finding it incredibly dull. But for me, it had the opposite effect. From the very first resurrection scene, I was glued to the screen, almost hypnotized by every shot. I savored the wanderings through the Ontario landscape, feeling a constant tension about what would happen next, even when I had a good idea of the direction it was headed. Each murder is memorable and uniquely executed, but the yoga kill? That one almost made my jaw drop. It’s like Chris Nash played "Friday the 13th: The Game" as Jason and decided to bring that experience to film, paying homage to slashers with all their pros and cons, while flipping the genre on its head with a formal approach we haven’t seen before. The last fifteen minutes of the film further polarize an already divided audience, but that ambiguous ending kept me thinking long after the credits rolled. In the end, it only heightened the highly cinematic experience that In a Violent Nature provided. ()