A szörny menyasszonya

  • Egyesült Államok Bride of the Monster (több)

Streaming (1)


Egyre ijesztőbb pletykák övezik a város szélén álló hátborzongató villát, melynek tulajdonosa, dr. Eric Vornoff állítólag azzal kísérletezik, hogy atomenergia segítségével természetfeletti lényeket kreáljon. Janet Lawton, a feltörekvő riportnő úgy dönt, hogy közelebbről is megvizsgálja az ügyet, hátha kapcsolatba hozható a környéket sújtó sorozatos eltűnésekkel. A nő rémületes felfedezést tesz, ám mielőtt elmenekülhetne, Vornoff csapdába ejti őt, és már tudja is, hogy mihez kezdjen új foglyával… (FilmBox Family)


Recenziók (5)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's really so silly that it's just nice. Especially when you watch the film Ed Wood, it's then great to see how the actual result turned out, how Ed Wood filmed it, and how terrible some scenes are. But it's still kind of fun to watch and possibly even laugh a little bit. The scenes with the octopus literally invite it. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Igen, A szörny menyasszonya film borzalmasan van megfilmesítve. Különösen a fináléja talán a legnagyobb görcsös filmjelenet, amit valaha láttam. De egy csillagot még így is komolyan gondolok. A szörny menyasszonya filmben minden benne van, amire gyerekként vágytam a saját kis horrorfilmemben - egy kísértetjárta ház a vad mocsarak közepén, egy "ijesztő" szörny, amely minden járókelőt felfal, egy őrült tudós fehér köpenyben, a szörny külsejű, de nagy szívű szolgája, gyönyörű foglyuk fehér ruhában, és egy sherlocki professzor, aki őrült tudósunk után nyomoz. Bár ez a film próbál ijesztő lenni, miközben csak nevetséges marad, valamikor biztosan megnézem újra. Ed Wood rendezőből minden másodpercben árad a filmkészítés iránti lelkesedése. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Another "must see" for fans of entertaining bad movies. Some scenes make it hard to believe that Ed Wood didn't mean it as satire. Everyone here rightly praises the scenes where the actors attack themselves with the tentacles of a dummy octopus to a great roar because the motor was missing from it, but watching Bela Lugosi overact with gusto is quite an experience too. And his expressions! He's supposed to be oozing with the demonic charisma of a mysterious scientist, but he looks unintentionally more like a funny, crazy old man. Even Tor Johnson aka Lobo with his leathery face is a chapter of its own and I really enjoyed the moment when he and Lugosi fight until the scenery shakes. There is also the unworldly editing between the shot of Lugosi gazing into his aquarium and the shot of the octopus (which is supposed to be in the aquarium), which Wood borrowed from a nature film and doesn't fit the film at all. Or an actor who, shaking his head in the undergrowth, pretends to drown in a swamp and shoots at crocodiles, the footage of which is again inserted from another film, etc., etc. The scenes with Lugosi, the octopus and Lobo save much of it, though, because otherwise it's pretty boring and nowhere near as much unwanted fun as Wood's legendary Plan 9 from Outer Space. But I’m not giving Ed a Boo! The enthusiasm with which he approached the making of his films doesn’t deserve it. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Bride of the Monster is a bad B-movie that is saved only by the ingenious ending that is the pure-blooded essence of cutely entertaining amateurism. It’s a shame that up to that point not so much entertaining as boring. Although... If you try turning the sound all the way down you soon get proof that if Wood had been active in the days of silent movies, he would have been in great demand. ()


Quint Boo!

az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Bride of the Monster clearly proves that Ed Wood definitely deserves his reputation as the worst director of all time. The film is shrouded in many crazy stories, not all of which are true. It is probably Wood's most cohesive and expensive film, with a budget almost equal to that of a standard B-movie of the time. Therefore, the sets are a little less artificial than is usual for Wood, but that doesn't mean they don't shake when someone fights near them. The octopus puppet is pretty hilarious, but it doesn't move, so the actors have to use its tentacles to attack themselves. All of this is interspersed with odd dialogue and archival footage that woefully doesn't fit the film. There fun is guaranteed, but if you want to see something more obscure from Wood, I'd recommend Plan 9 from Outer Space or Glen or Glenda. ()