
A császárpingvinek között egy senki vagy, ha nem tudsz énekelni. A kis Topi, befolyásos és nagyra tartott szülei bánatára, nem tud énekelni, így esélye sincs a boldog szerelemre. Ellenben még egy ilyen táncost, mint ő, nem hord a jég a hátán, ezért úgy határoz, boldogul, amivel tud, és neki vág az Antarktisznak. Hamarosan találkozik egy csapat másfajta pingvinnel, köztük Ramónnal, akit lenyűgöznek a kis pingvin tánclépései, és meghívják, hogy tartson velük. Új barátaival olyan kalandokba keveredik, amilyet a császárpingvinek még elképzelni sem tudnak. (InterCom)


Recenziók (4)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Happy Feet is a classic story for kids (even though in places it gets pretty adult). About growing up and the like. Nothing special. Apart from the marvelously chosen voices of the main penguins and the EXCELLENT music from John Powell which takes everything a level higher. In terms of animation, HF is a little up and down and scenes of genius like the blizzard or the aquarium are alternated by downright ordinary seals or elephant seals. But this turned out to be simply a much, much better movie than I was expecting. And I happen to really like penguins. :-). ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Although constant singing can be maddening at times, the surprising story and amazing animation outweigh it. When I take the story about singing and dancing at face value, it is a surprisingly lively spectacle with a few unexpected twists. The animation is a complete fairy tale, where every downhill ride is an unforgettable adventure and the snowstorm is a captivating experience. P.S.: The continuous singing becomes even more annoying the second time around. The transformation of the main character, along with the dancing and especially the voice acting of Elijah Wood and Hugh Jackman, saves practically everything. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's so beautiful, the animation is great, the music is also excellent, great voices have been chosen, but still, it didn't totally get under my skin, even though at the end, it really tried hard. Maybe the excessive effort to show how beautiful nature is bothered me. Similarly, I found it difficult to accept the real actors in the movie. ()