
Előzetes 1


Voltak már szelídek, voltak már kemények, voltak már vadak. Ezúttal simán: Motorosok. Ezek a motorosok a 60-as években alapítják meg klubjukat „Vandálok” néven az amerikai Középnyugaton, Marlon Brando A vad című filmjének hatására. A klub kezdetben a chicagói kívülállók menedéke, ám Johnny (Tom Hardy) vezetésével egyre kiszámíthatatlanabbá válik, és fokozatosan mélyebbre csúszik a bűnözés világába, veszélybe sodorva ezzel a motorosok eredeti életmódját. A fiatal Bennyben (Austin Butler) lassan kételyek ébrednek a bandában betöltött szerepével kapcsolatban. (UIP-Duna Film)


Recenziók (7)



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magyar Dicséretre méltó vállalkozás, amely leporolja a jó öreg motoros miliőt, és élvezettel építi fel a sztorit és a karaktereket. Jól kiválasztott és jól alakító színészekkel. Törékeny Jodie Comer karakteres nehézfiúk között, akik sehova nem tartoznak, ezért egymáshoz tartoznak. Tom Hardy morgása és tekintete sosem volt még ilyen ékesszóló, a lázadó szépfiú Austin Butler pedig a legikonikusabb filmes Amerika (James Dean) szellemét adja. A Motorosok egy élvezetes old-school film a színészcsapat rajongói számára, amelynek nincs szüksége szofisztikált cselekményre ahhoz, hogy minden jelenetével szórakoztasson, és végig megőrzi a kiszámíthatatlan végkifejletet. A film talán legmenőbb és legeredetibb, egyszerre romantikus és macsó jelenete, amikor Butler a Jodie Comer háza előtt udvarol neki. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A quality film, but not made for me, thematically and emotionally it missed me completely - and if I hadn't been at the cinema , I probably wouldn't have made it to the end. I can't tune in to see the characters as at least partially sympathetic libertarian rebels. To me, they all came off as irresponsible buffoons from the start. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Pretty weak. Ironically, it's where the film should have started. Because it's not until the last 10 minutes that we find out that the gang is in full swing (prostitutes, drugs, murders), so what we wanted to see will be in the sequel, which won't come. So if it wasn't for the guy gangster shit, I was hoping to at least enjoy the bikes, but NOPE, even those are scarce here. Mainly, it deals with relationships. Tom Hardy and Austin Butler were good, but apart from one burnt down pub and an “almost” rape, nothing interesting happened for two hours, and after the promising trailer, I see that as underwhelming. I didn't completely suffer, but then I'm not happy with the outcome either. At least the cameos of more familiar faces will be nice. 5/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Jeff Nichols manages to evoke a nice retro feel, but only skims the surface with his characters. Even though the script tries to tell me each of the few characters has a past and possibly a future, I didn't care for any of them. One-dimensional characters like this can't carry the weight of the story for me. Plus, in a movie about motorcycle riders, I would have expected a few more eye-candy moments, some great locations, some imaginative cinematography. But there's not much here. [KVIFF 2024] ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This retro film impressively built on atmosphere has its origins in a literary-photographic publication detailing the lifestyle of the members of an actual motorcycle gang in the late 1960s and early ’70s. This is thematised in the story through the character of its author (a photojournalist), whose questioning of the main protagonist (the wife of one of the bikers) forms the framework of the film and sets its rhythm. Through these two observers, we are gradually familiarised with the members and the rules of the gang, whose vision of rebelliousness and freedom goes hand in hand with chronic idleness, vagabondism and vandalism would otherwise be hard to relate to. The characters in the gang grow in number in the second half of the meandering narrative, whose thin plot is determined by a study of the relationships between the individual bikers. However, these characters aren’t given any more exposition, as the story intentionally puts them in the position of anonymous, unwanted intruders who in the climax contribute to the decline of the golden age of motorcycling. Together with that, the film’s tone changes, when the initially humorous episodes and free-thinking hedonism are supplanted by tragic twists and melancholy reflecting the symptoms of the era, especially the trauma and experiences connected with the war in Vietnam. At the very least, Tom Hardy, Jodie Comer, Austin Butler and Michael Shannon are absolutely excellent thanks not only to their performances and characters, but also their nonchalant demeanour, manner of speaking and, in some cases, atypical appearance. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Bikeriders is captivating in the way it's told, with a story about a bunch of guys with a thing for motor oil, a fist to the face and danger, set in a kind of newsreel framework. The leading trio of actors was chosen with the character in mind: from the charismatic leader Tom Hardy, to the troubled rebel Austin Butler, to the fragile yet tough Jodie Comer. It was interesting to see the evolution of the band of "vandals" - from the buddies who liked to ride and party here and there, to the twisted brainwashed fanatics. P.S. "Men don't cry, unless it's necessary!" ()