Fűrész X

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John Kramer visszatért. A Fűrész franchise eddigi legfelkavaróbb részében Kirakós legszemélyesebb, eddig még nem ismert játéka zajlik le. Az első és a második rész történései között játszódó filmben a rákos John végső elkeseredésében Mexikóba utazik, hogy alávesse magát egy kockázatos és kísérleti jellegű orvosi beavatkozásnak, amitől csodával felérő gyógyulást remél. Rövidesen kiderül azonban, hogy a teljes műtét pusztán átverés, amivel a legsebezhetőbb embereket fosztják ki. Johnnak ez az élmény új célt ad, így a hírhedt sorozatgyilkos visszatér munkájához, hogy megfizessen a szélhámosoknak a rá jellemző, szó szerint zsigerig hatoló módon, fondorlatos, eszement és találékony csapdák sokaságával. (Fórum Hungary)


Recenziók (4)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A kétórás Fűrész X című film először egy rákban szenvedő, haldokló betegről szóló dráma próbál lenni, majd később szofisztikált fordulatokkal akar kiütni, de a forgatókönyvírói és rendezési badarság mellett mindez hiábavaló. A badarság alatt azt értem, hogy egy szadista tömeggyilkos mártír és bíró szerepébe van stilizálva, akivel együtt kellene éreznünk, amikor életmentő kezelést keres; és akinek aztán szorítanunk kellene, amikor azokat mészárolja le, akik kitoltak vele. Miközben a negatív főszereplő megbüntetése, amire az egész film alatt várunk, a legkevésbé „kielégítő”. A badarság alatt a komikusan túlzásba vitt beles jelenetet értem, vagy azt, hogy a szereplők nem gondolnak arra, hogy amikor fröcsköl a vér, fordítsák már oldalra a fejüket, hogy ne folyjon az arcukba. Az egyik áldozatnak a saját magán végzett műtéti beavatkozásáról nem is beszélve. És mivel jobban szeretem a HORRORT, mint a legtöbb néző, annál jobban zavar, ha úgy kezelik, mint idiótáknak szóló műfajt. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Certainly better than I expected when the next Saw was announced (the best since the sixth installment), but at the same time not so good that I understand the surprisingly high ratings across film databases. It benefits from the fact that Jigsaw's main antagonist is an incredible bastard, and that the film thus breaks slightly from the existing template by making Kramer and his sidekicks the protagonists. It would have worked better, though, in my opinion, if this approach had come right after the first original episode. It's too late now, especially knowing all that's been (and will be) going on, and this is really an unplanned padding made out of necessity after the creators eliminated the villain too soon, driving the series into a dead end in which it has hopelessly sunk deeper and deeper over time. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Oh yeah!! Saw X is a pleasant surprise for me and the franchise is back in full force. I personally like this franchise a lot, it's a nice showcase of gore and torture with a high level of craftsmanship and we rarely see it in such quality, but here I have to appreciate that the film can once again work as a dense revenge psycho-thriller and the return of the iconic serial killer Jigsaw is the best thing that could have happened to the franchise. This is actually a very personal revenge and John Kramer is actually portrayed as a good guy who even the viewer is tempted to root for (because his victims are also pretty big bastards that you wish dead) and I loved that nice contrast. I enjoyed Jigsaw's background, even though the introduction is a bit slower, but, what the hell, Jigsaw is such a cool character that he is entertaining even if he doesn't set traps and torture. From the second half onwards it's the same old Saw we love with all that goes with it. The traps are once again well thought out and inventive (it's really crazy what they’ve been able to come up with in these 10 episodes), the gore is beautiful and very intense (I have to say that even I as a blood lover was a bit uncomfortable this time, and I've seen a lot), all that leg cutting and brain scratching will stick in my head for a long time. The return of Amanda was also a delight, adding a nice nostalgic spice to the film, and the closer the film got to the end (the iconic soundtrack started playing and the cool twists started rolling again), I couldn't be dissatisfied. I do have a minor complaint about the finale (the sneaky bitch definitely deserved something utterly morbid, but on the other hand there is room for another installment where they can once again go all out). I have to say that I had great fun for the first time in a while, I devoured every second of it and I'd happily watch it again in a heartbeat. Together with Evil Dead Rise the clear winners of this year's Gore section. 8.5/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I really like the Saw series, especially in the first decade of this century, during its peak hype, I literally devoured it. With the passage of time, I must say that it let me down a bit and I prefer other things now, but I still enjoy it, so I'm not ashamed to call Saw my favorite. I was curious about the tenth installment, but I was afraid of the two-hour duration - after watching, I can say that I have no problem with the length of the film and it is justified within the narrative. Saw X does not develop the previous events in any way, on the contrary, it focuses properly on John Kramer - it presents him in greater depth, thoroughly dissects his psychological profile, and even shows us his humanity and vulnerability in full splendor. In the first part, the story does not rush anywhere, taking its time to build a strong foundation for later events. Of course, it is a Saw film, so at a certain moment it breaks and we are offered in a condensed sequence what we all expect and demand from this series - and it must be noted that some traps are extremely intense, so viewers craving blood and gore will undoubtedly get what they came for. One specific trap, focusing on the brain (it reminded me of the legendary scene from Hannibal), I would put on the level of the very best that the series has ever produced - a few truly extremely intense minutes that really shook my nerves. Fans of the series must be inevitably satisfied, this could not have turned out better. If this were to be the final installment with Tobin Bell, then it is a successful swan song. BTW: Of all ten pieces of the puzzle, I consider only one Jigsaw to be a failure, which is a miracle for such a prolific series. ()

Kapcsolódó hírek

Jövőre érkezik a tizenegyedik Fűrész-film

Jövőre érkezik a tizenegyedik Fűrész-film


A Lionsgate stúdió nem várt semmire. A Fűrész X című film alig melegedett be a mozikban, és máris felbukkannak a közösségi hálókon olyan információk, hogy jövőre érkezik a filmszéria tizenegyedik… (több)