
  • Egyesült Államok Titanic (több)
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Egyesült Államok, 1997, 194 perc (Alternatív 187 perc)


James Cameron


James Cameron


Russell Carpenter


James Horner


Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bates, Bill Paxton, Gloria Stuart, Frances Fisher, Bernard Hill, Jonathan Hyde, David Warner (több)
(további alkotók)


1912-ben indul útjára a világ legnagyobb, legelegánsabb, legbiztonságosabbnak vélt óceánjárója, a Titanic. A csodálatos hajón sokféle ember utazik, köztük Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) és Rose (Kate Winslet), akik két teljesen különböző világból érkeztek, de mégis összehozza őket a sors. Amikor a vesztébe száguldó hajó jéghegynek ütközik, már nem csak szerelmükért, hanem az életben maradásukért is meg kell küzdeniük. Belfastban elkezdik építeni a világ legnagyobb gőzhajóját, melynek hossza nagyobb, mint a korabeli New York legmagasabb felhőkarcolója. A hajótest építése feszített tempóban zajlik és két évig tart, a belső dekoráció megalkotása pedig újabb egy évet vesz igénybe. A Titanic 1912. április 10-én, egy szerdai napon, déltájban hagyja el Southampton kikötőjét, hogy újabb két megállás után New York felé hajózzon. És bár a Titanic útja során számos figyelmeztető jelzést kap más hajóktól, amelyek a jéghegyek közelségére hívják fel a luxushajó figyelmét, április 14-én este 11 óra 40 perckor - alig öt nappal azután, hogy útnak indult - jéghegynek ütközik. Április 15-én hajnali fél háromkor, kevesebb mint három órával a végzetes ütközés után pedig már az Atlanti-óceán fenekén pihen. (TV2)


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Előzetes 1

Recenziók (11)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Perhaps the most famous disaster and romance movie. I don't think it's even possible not to know and like it. The older I get, the more I like it and the more I cry at it. Overall, Titanic stirs something greater in me. Maybe because I was born on April 15 :-)) And Leo and Kate were absolutely amazing... for me Titanic is a timeless movie. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Today's 3D screening at Imax only confirmed what every viewer probably already knows: Titanic will never get old. It’s still brimming with energy, moving and tragic, funny and technically epic as it was 15 years ago. And it has survived everything. Even the pastime back then of mocking DiCaprio, who at the time was the personification of posters and stickers in teen magazines, suffered from the adoration of whiny teenage girls, and is now one of the world's most respected actors. Cameron's Titanic has survived the rapid evolution in the field of visual effects and even today can stand proudly next to all sorts of visually lavish flicks, without getting get lost and or blushing with shame. And just as I enjoyed the technical precision of the reconstruction of the sinking itself before, I now enjoy the romantic storyline, which is definitely not a Pretty Woman type of thing, Cameron endowed it with lightness, wit and a pleasant feeling at the heart. And as time goes by, the film is appreciated (and cherished) by a new and younger generation of viewers. The proof is in FilmBooster itself, when I registered in 2002, Titanic had an average rating of 75%. And today? You can see for yourselves! Bugger me, it was awesome! ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I avoided Titanic like a demon a cross, but eventually it caught up with me... And oddly enough, it wasn't a head-on collision, but rather a light miss. The story is sweet and protracted, but as soon as the overgrown steamer began to sink, there was plenty to watch - I finally recognized it as Cameron's work. Surprisingly, I quite liked the unruly Leonardo DiCaprio, but I didn't know much about the bourgeois maiden Kate Winslet. It's just shabby love story that Cameron painted gold. In places the paint is sparse, so rust shines through. Definitely a classic seasonal hit... Edit 2012: beautiful proof of how often a person is wrong. To see this film as a kitsch love story actually hides the essence of what Titanic really is: the product of Cameron's massive fetishism and a metaphorical path to the coveted object that comes to life with the power of the film and allows the filmmaker to lead the viewer through its lost nooks. The director simply captures the feeling that still seizes me today when I look at a dead wreck in the depths - a burning longing to "give faded matter meaning and shape with a story". The result is a film full of contradictions, but above all a film extremely precisely constructed and economically told. All the pleasure from it comes from pure rationality. If Rose says: "It doesn't make sense, that's why I believe it," I say "Everything makes sense here, that's why I believe it (but I do not succumb :-))". ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A romantic drama that breaks hearts with every viewing, subtle jokes that, in the viewer's adulthood, reveal how Titanic truly is a complex work, and above all, the work of James Cameron's life. Only with a decent, soon to be twenty-year gap and the fading of the last remnants of the uncontrollable hype from the turn of the century, can the greatness of the entire spectacle be fully appreciated. Unsinkable, unforgettable, and practically flawless. And I have no doubt that it will continue to grow. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An opulent, spectacular picture which is simply flawless in technical terms. The outrageous length surprisingly didn’t break Titanic’s back, mainly thanks to Cameron’s directing. The end result flows by nicely, although there were a couple of places that could have done with more keen editing. The first half is more for the female audience, but then, after the collision, the disaster movie pandas more to the male audience. The characters are so terribly flat here, but thanks to their charisma, this isn’t boring. The most expensive movie ever and the greatest ever box office success, which is neither the highest quality movie ever, but it certainly is well above average. ()

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Kapcsolódó hírek

Meghalt Bernard Hill színész

Meghalt Bernard Hill színész


Hetvenkilenc éves korában elhunyt Bernard Hill brit színész, aki olyan filmekben vált ismertté, mint a Titanic, a Ragadozók és A Gyűrűk Ura trilógia. A szomorú hírrel a BBC televíziós csatorna állt… (több)