Országúti diszkó

  • Egyesült Államok Road House
Előzetes 1


A 80-as évek kult klasszikusának adrenalintól fűtött újragondolásában a volt UFC harcos Dalton (Jake Gyllenhaal) elfogad egy kidobóállást egy Florida Keys-i bárban, csakhogy rá kell jönnie, hogy ez a paradicsom nem az, aminek látszik. (Prime Video)

Videók (1)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (10)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Floridai napsütéses, nagyon szórakoztató tesztoszteronos hülyeség, meglepő szereposztással és Jake Gyllenhaal ismét remek alakításával. Doug Liman segít Joel Silvernek a 80-as évekbeli klasszikusát klippes, dinamikus köntösben frissíteni, fizikailag intenzív verekedésekkel, de mindig egy kicsit igénytelen, otthoni VOD-szórakozás hangulatával. Az új Országúti diszkó egyetlen lélektanilag funkcionális jelenetet tartalmaz (a főszereplő traumáját felidéző dialógus a bárban), és közelebb áll az energikus punk-vígjátékhoz, mint drámához. Legszórakoztatóbb karaktere a Gyllenhaal főellensége, Conor McGregor verekedőgép, aki a találóan túlzott macsó agyatlan szuverenitást fejetlen dühhel vegyíti. Ez az erős filmes debütálás után biztos a meghívása a Halálos iramban című filmszériába. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Retard House and McGregor, walking like he’s got an empty Guinness bottle shoved up his anus, reigning as the king of his inmates. Thanks to the Florida climate and a bit of perspective, it’s somewhat bearable, but as soon as Dalton, with a Nobel Peace Prize in his shirt pocket, is cornered, the dumb action combined with the tragically comical CGI of Doug Liman's annoying guest gets tossed out the front door. After that, it just rolls around in the dust outside, in front of the mindrest of a Guilty Pleasure. However, it can’t desecrate the original B-movie adventure with bouncer Swayze, as even that was a fourth-rate establishment. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A nice action romp like in the old days. I haven't seen the original, so I'm not comparing, but I enjoyed it very much. Jake Gyllenhaal prepared really for the role, playing a big and likeable guy who comes to Florida to work as a bouncer in a famous bar with a problematic clientele. I used to work at a bar so I liked, and the setting of sunny Florida with all the Hawaiian shirts was top notch, I could totally see myself there, in fact the only thing missing was proper babes. I was surprised by the humour, some one-liners were very good (the guy with the broken arm was very cool). The film is spiced up nicely by the casting of Conor McGregor, who downright relishes his role as a psychopathic madman, and I wouldn't mind seeing him more often in similarly iconic villain roles. The fights are without editing, they're nicely gritty, and even if slightly digital, still very cool. I like this kind of movies, I had fun, I wasn't bored, this is a properly manly and light-hearted film in a nice setting. They could release genre films like this on stream more often. 7/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Eighties classics, Jake Gyllenhaal on top form a solid cast, Doug Liman behind the camera, and Prime Video as a streaming service that goes toe-to-toe with these guys... the result? Well, let's just say it fell short of expectations. The new Road House is a film whose makers seem to have misunderstood the magic of straight-up 80s action movies and trip over their own feet. Overlong, with a dysfunctional hero who smiles and looks like the nicest guy in Florida the whole time, at least, but we know the trauma is in there somewhere... it's just that since we know it, there's no need to wait a hundred minutes for it to be resolved. And in between, we spend time with boring side characters who are just as goofy as in the original, only here they're god knows why give more space to talk about their life's hurts. And there's a hell of a lot of music playing to go with it, and they're staring dreamily into the stupid. All that delays the fights – though maybe that's not such a big deal. Gyllenhaal's getting his kicks, Conor McGregor enjoys his madman, and the rest of the male cast is just there to get smacked around, and Daniela Melchior is there to give the bouncer a disingenuous bashing. That's okay. But the way Liman conceptualizes the action scenes, the bullshit he comes up with with the camera, and how vehemently he tries to be different and innovative, only to have it usually blow up in his face (it's really not very pretty to look at) is the final nail in the coffin of disappointment. The new Road House doesn't actually do downright well at practically anything. It does something average, something slightly above average, but most of the time it's just completely off. And boring at that. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Doug Liman made an 80's B movie for fun and they wouldn't even let him put it in theaters! A smiling Jake Gyllenhaal hurting bad people and obviously having an incredible time doing it. Conor McGregor is perfect as the evil, disagreeable asshole. The romance line works, the cast is likeable. Definitely could have used a little trimming, though, the middle drags a bit. The action is decent, the fights are oddly shot in places, but fine for me. The music is great and there are beautiful shots of the Florida Keys. I'll have to go there sometime. ()

Galéria (31)

Kapcsolódó hírek

Az Országúti diszkó folytatást kap

Az Országúti diszkó folytatást kap


A Doug Liman rendezte Országúti diszkó (Road House) című, akcióval teli verekedős filmet alig két hónapja mutatták be a Prime Video csatornán, és a mai napig közel nyolcvanmillióan látták a… (több)