
Alice többszörösen elvált, harmincöt éves nő. Két gyermeke van: egy nagyfiú és egy kislány. A vidéki kúrián egy csendes, téli estén, advent melegségének időszakában együtt a hajdani szerelmek, feleségeikkel, gyerekeikkel. Alice felidézi a sok kalandot, a megismerkedéseket, elválásokat. Sok sebet adott és kapott. És még ma is valamennyi férfit szereti. A filmben Catherine Deneuve, a gyakran jégcsapként emlegetett francia szépségszimbólum érzelemgazdag alakításában megmutatja kevéssé ismert, sebezhetőbb arcát. Serge Gainsbourg gyönyörű sanzonjaival bűvöl el, míg Gérard Depardieu játékos, erőt sugárzó lénye mellett hangulatos szaxofonozásával derít fel. Az érzékeny, gazdag lelkivilágú Jean-Louis Trintignant pedig eszköztelen szuggesztivitásával ragad magával. (Caesar Film International)


Recenziók (1)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I read beforehand that this was a considerably controversial film, but after watching it, I have significant doubts about that. The film was shot in 1980, and at that time, there already existed a numerous and essentially prevailing group of sufficiently emancipated women in the Euro-American world who had long ceased to be dependent on men. The plot of the film is very simple and strongly resembles an old anecdote when a young author rushes to the theater director and exclaims that he has a sensational subject for a play. He starts explaining that in the first act, he loves her, she loves him, in the second act, he loves her and she loves him, and in the third act, he loves her and she loves him. "So, where is the dramatic conflict?" the director asks. "It lies in the fact that only she remains the same person, he is someone different each time." The protagonist of the film is a beautiful, confident, and demanding woman who longs for passionate love. However, since none of her partners is capable of providing her with it in the long run, she gets bored, seeks satisfaction from lovers, and ends the relationship each time. The success of the film was guaranteed by the beautiful Catherine Deneuve, already a mature and experienced actress at the time, but still a very charming woman with undeniable French charm. Director Berri complicated the simple plot with a fragmented narrative structure, intertwining several temporal planes of the film, as the main character remembers all her love affairs. The director does not provide any resolution and simply describes a certain model of a romantic relationship. Overall impression: 60%. ()