The Wisher

  • Egyesült Államok Spliced
összes plakát
Kanada, 2002, 83 perc


Gavin Wilding


Ellen Cook


Mark Dobrescu


Chris Ainscough
(további alkotók)


Liane Balaban (NEW WATERFORD GIRL) stars in this horror film as Mary, a 17 year-old who loves horror movies. When Mary hears about "The Wisher", a new movie that is so scary that it has been sending people out of the theaters screaming, she knows she has to see it. However, when she catches a glimpse of the movie's villain, a deformed killer known as the Wiser, she herself runs from the theater. Unfortunately, Mary finds that the Wisher has followed her home, invading her dreams and making some of her darkest wishes come true. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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