Az Alkotó

  • Egyesült Államok The Creator (több)
Előzetes 10


A jövőben háború dúl az emberek és a mesterséges intelligencia seregei között. Joshuát, a harcedzett, korábban a különleges erőknél szolgált ügynököt felesége eltűnése emészti, amikor azt a feladatot kapja, hogy derítse fel és ölje meg az Alkotót. Az Alkotó egy rejtőzködő, fejlett építész-MI, aminek újonnan kreált fegyvere képes lenne véget vetni a háborúnak - és az egész emberiség létezésének. Joshua válogatott csapatával az ellenséges vonalak mögé indul, az MI-uralta terület sötét mélyére... ahol felfedezi, hogy a világpusztító fegyver, amit meg kell semmisítenie, valójában egy gyermek formáját öltött mesterséges intelligencia. (Fórum Hungary)


Videók (10)

Előzetes 10

Recenziók (12)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Meglepően átlagos sci-fi, amely nem köt le, nem lep meg, és látványvilágával sem nyűgöz le. Nagyrészt ugyanis ázsiai mezőkön lévő kunyhókban játszódik, ráadásul sötétben. Amikor pedig a futurisztikus városról van szó, az szinte másolat a Szárnyas fejvadász című filmből. A dzsungelben utat törő nehézgépek pedig pont olyanok, mint a Camerontól ismert gépek. További probléma John David Washington és a korlátozott színészi képességei – nem autentikus sem a lázadók oldalára tudatosan átállóként, sem a gyermeki ártatlanság védelmezőjeként. A volt barátnője utáni ismétlődő szomorkodás, ami ráadásul nem képes érzelmeket kiváltani, pedig idővel fárasztóvá válik. Az egyetlen színészi elem, ami egy kis életet visz a filmbe, a kicsi Madeleine Yuna Voyles. **1/2 ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Creator was supposed to be the sci-fi hit of the year, but the actual result was almost unwatchable, I suffered unbelievably. In short, Gareth Edwards made a film that, in its style, evoked the Star Wars I hated. I was kind of hoping it would be something along the lines of Independence Day, only with UFOs replaced by an artificial intelligence, but I was sorely mistaken. The film gave me the impression that with 40 minutes gone by, I still didn't know what was going on, there was no introduction to the characters or plot, just one scene after another, with zero viewer engagement. It's like putting episode 6 of a random series and trying to get my bearings on the plot. I was absolutely not entertained by Washington, and the rest of the characters didn't engage me either. The action was dull, I found it to be childish and unexciting. There’s nothing epic, no wow moment, no suspense or atmosphere, just something happening and I didn't really care by halfway through the film, I just wanted it to end. In the end I'm glad I didn't go to the cinema, I've never seen more boring action sci-fi. Disappointment of the year. 3/10. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol And the bubble has definitely burst, so if anyone thought that Gareth Edwards was a directorial genius who was forced out of Rogue One by the evil Disney, and Tony Gilroy only “finished his job for him”, they're in for a nasty clash with reality. The Creator is a beautiful looking film. Physical, full of cool gizmos, gadgets, robots, tanks, rockets, and generally beautiful to look at. It looks very decent in motion too, Edwards is quite adept at war action, and at some points his latest film is reminiscent of Terminator or Avatar; and also of the film we've been looking forward to since the trailers. But then there's a lot of things he can't do. Edwards is a brilliant designer, a decent executor and a lousy storyteller. The longer I watched The Creator, the more I actually felt sorry for him, because behind that veneer of great production design is a woefully banal story, told in an unimaginative and uninteresting way. All the clichés you can think of are there, even the ones that you'll think would be a bit embarrassing if someone used them. Besides, The Creator tries desperately to pretend to be something more and offer some philosophizing in addition to the simple story, but Edwards is woefully unable to work with it. And the more he tries to look clever and multi-layered, the more it becomes apparent how superficial and boring this film is as the running time progresses. Nice, but... shitty, I guess not, but just not very good, either. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I would never cast young Washington in a leading role again, his acting bad (and I'm taking off one star for that). Otherwise I found this film terribly rich, both visually and emotionally. Gareth Edwards takes us through several locations with a succession of gorgeous images, whether it's a city with dozens of glowing neon signs like in Blade Runner, an Asian landscape where ancient Buddhist culture clashes interestingly with modern sci-fi elements, or the Nomad super spacecraft that Kosinski seems to have invented for Oblivion. I was especially impressed with Asia and how thoughtfully and seamlessly the modern architecture builds on the old buildings, creating such an interesting contrast, and the viewer immersion is incredible. I'm not a fan of AI, but I still didn't mind that Edwards relativizes it and actually puts it in the position of a positive element, just like Blade Runner did 40 years ago, the story thus gets a charge that kept my attention throughout and the few logical lapses didn't ruin it for me. Unfortunately, Edwards is a misunderstood filmmaker. Whether it is with Godzilla, which was a clever homage to the TOHO's films, or here, with the heavy-duty sci-fi that isn't being made much these days. I can only be comforted by the fact that Blade Runner was also critically panned and rejected by audiences in its day, so .... maybe it'll come out in a few decades too, Gareth. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A film whose creators stutter, can’t remember the beginning of a sentence and constantly run the gamut from “original sci-fi” to clichés and desperate banalities that mask one thing: The Creator says nothing relevant about the phenomenon of AI, which is merely another spectacular decorative element in a film that’s completely dependent on design. Neither the plot nor the world of the film makes sense; given how much space The Creator has, it never creates a coherent and comprehensible world. By comparison, even the didactic Elysium comes across as an engrossing fictional world. Edwards’ directing tries to go in depth, but it rather unconvincingly jumps from details to the big picture, from the present to the past. Some of the actors’ lines really could have been written only by Chris Weitz... Washington plays an utterly two-dimensional character who, through his suffering, only reinforces the impression that The Creator demands grand emotions, to which he is absolutely not entitled. Instead, it has the same feelings of emptiness and lifelessness as Godzilla and Rogue One. ()

Galéria (48)

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