Krakkói szörnyek

  • Lengyelország Krakowskie potwory (több)
Lengyelország, 2022, 7 h 1 perc (Percek: 49–55 perc)


Barbara Liberek, Andrzej Chyra, Stanisław Linowski, Mateusz Górski, Kaja Chan, Maja Chan, Daniel Namiotko, Stanisław Cywka, Anna Paliga, Eryk Pratsko (több)
(további alkotók)

Streaming (1)



Egy fiatal nő, akit múltjának emlékei gyötörnek, csatlakozik a paranormális tevékenységeket kutató, és démonokkal harcoló – professzorhoz és diákjaihoz. (Netflix)

Felhasználói recenzió Necrotongue ehhez a sorozathoz (8)

Episode 1 (2022) (E01) 

angol The opening episode had a decent atmosphere, but I'm afraid it wasn't the creators who made it, but Krakow itself. There was hardly any tension or fear, everyone and everything seemed to be shrouded in mystery, but it didn't lead anywhere. The main "heroine" looked strange, acted like a moron, and the plot didn't exactly convince me. Oh, and that monkey-bat hybrid was a miss. / Lesson learned: Don't eat and drink everything strangers offer you. ()

Episode 2 (2022) (E02) 

angol The grim atmosphere of Krakow remains the standout feature even in the second episode, filled with unsavory characters and mystically mystical mysticism. It was definitely more entertaining, as the Polish branch of the X-Men collided with the Polish branch of Resident Evil, resulting in some fairly brisk and action-packed moments. However, the plot still didn't quite grab me. / Lesson learned: The inner struggle is often more challenging than a physical duel. 3*- ()

Episode 3 (2022) (E03) 

angol The third episode brought a hefty dose of action (from running to various physical interactions), yet I couldn't quite find a reason to give more than two stars. I found myself quite bored because, well, the plot was action-packed but otherwise lacking. / Lesson learned: Modern dance choreography isn't my thing, whether with manure or without. ()

Episode 4 (2022) (E04) 

angol As far as I'm concerned, this was probably the best episode yet, because I finally felt like something was happening. Something that made sense at times. Sure, the quirks and shortcomings were still there this time around, so my rating couldn't quite reach four stars, but the creators definitely connected a lot of dots, and Winter Spas was highly entertaining. / Lesson learned: Dreams can be more dangerous than life itself. ()

Episode 5 (2022) (E05) 

angol Well, it seems Winter Spas brought something that the show had been missing because, even though the fifth episode was similarly imperfect like what I've seen from the series so far, this character breathed life into the sluggish plot. / Lesson learned: Don't touch fallen wires on the ground. ()

Episode 6 (2022) (E06) 

angol Well, that was a bit of a dip. In both the plot and my rating. The Slavs have each their own gods, and even when the names accidentally match, they look different. Polish Veles looked like a devil instead of a minotaur. The episode was just too psychedelic for my taste, the attempt at metal felt rather comical, the underground tour didn't need to be that long, and Aitwar's mask seemed just sloppy. / Lesson learned: The underworld is damp, and without a protective helmet, you might easily injure your head or even break a horn. ()

Episode 7 (2022) (E07) 

angol The episode was brimming with events, phenomena, and revelations; the story surged powerfully forward. The creators even occasionally unveiled answers to some burning questions, only to swiftly introduce another mysteriously cryptic allegory. Under these circumstances, it's truly a mystery to me why I found it a bit dull at times. Perhaps it was the constant running around Cracow and its surroundings that got to me. / Lesson learned: Store goddesses who have suddenly turned into mortals in dry and warm places. ()

Episode 8 (2022) (E08) 

angol I suffered through seven episodes (well, five actually, two were quite bearable) only for the Poles to screw me over in the end... This wasn't the grand finale I was hoping for; it was frustrating. I mean, seriously, when a bunch of modern songs and dances gets into a battle against evil, it's sure to kill the vibe. And now there's probably going to be a second season, isn't there?! If so, I suggest the creators go all out and turn it into a full-blown musical. / Lesson learned: Sometimes the relief that it's finally over can outweigh the disappointment of what you've just seen. ()