
Diane és Jeff fiatalok és szeretik egymást. Egy látszólag átlagos délutánon elindulnak, hogy a városon kívül töltsék a szabadságukat. Útközben megállnak egy benzinkútnál, ahol a nő bemegy vásárolni a szupermarketbe. A férfi ekkor látja utoljára a barátnőjét. Három év elteltével még mindig elszántan keresi, bár a rendőrség már rég feladta és lezárta a nyomozást. Jeff azonban nem tud megbirkózni a gondolattal, hogy le kell mondania kedveséről. A sötétben tapogatózó, megszállott férfi nem is sejti, micsoda ördögi machinációk állnak az eltűnés hátterében. Amikor viszont megtudja, már az ő élete is veszélybe kerül... (TV2)


Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This dark thriller is mainly driven by Jeff Bridges' performance, and for a movie fan, the presence of a young Sandra Bullock at a time when she was not yet a star is interesting. Although the screenplay is not among the best in the genre, the film does have a tense atmosphere and the villain's cynical demeanor captivates the audience. Overall impression: 60%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Vanishing definitely has an interestingly conceived plot, which is developed through a decent screenplay that includes a few really intriguing moments. Moreover, it can certainly boast of having a good cast, with Kiefer Sutherland leading the way. However, if you don't quickly get used to Jeff Bridges' somewhat quirky expression, you might be a bit put off by it. The film also features excellent music by Jerry Goldsmith. Unfortunately, there is also poor direction here, which results in a lack of atmosphere, which this film should primarily rely on. Not once did I really care about what would happen to the characters and I was completely indifferent to the cruel fate of Jeff's girlfriend. Around halfway through, I lost interest in everything, and the highly praised ending felt like an incredibly "messed up," scene, an experience that can only be enjoyed by a true claustrophobic. I deeply hate the feeling of emptiness that came over me at the end of the film. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Definitely a great addition to the mysterious genre. Although it is not a very well-known film, it has a lot of excellent scenes and solid performances. The great atmosphere of pure despair and hopelessness, framed by intense, escalating tension with an uncompromising finale – only for strong-natured individuals. Claustrophobics stay away. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A relaxing thriller with the great Kiefer Sutherland. It relies heavily on the story, which luckily is well-thought out and gripping. I was a little disappointed with the Sluizer’s uninspiring directing, but on the other hand The Vanishing is accompanied by Jerry Goldsmith’s music of genius from start to finish. ()

Galéria (25)