
Akad valaki, aki nem ismeri Frank Drebint, a Nagyon különleges ügyosztály gránitállú, sziklaagyú zsaruját? De bár ne ismernénk, ugye? Mennyivel békésebb, és persze egyszer, s mint szomorúbb is lenne az élet nélküle. Frank Drebin a rendőrség egyik legjobb ügynöke, aki azonban meglehetősen kiállhatatlan alak. Ráadásul a rábízott ügyeket nagyon furcsa módszerekkel oldja meg. Emiatt nem csoda, hogy felettesei időről időre el akarják távolítani a rendőrség kötelékéből. Frank azonban nem hagyja magát. Amikor pedig rájön, hogy valakik meg akarják gyilkolni az Egyesült Államokba látogató Erzsébet királynőt, úgy érzi, cselekednie kell. És így is tesz... (TV2)


Recenziók (6)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I have quite a problem with cult American comedies like Hot Shots! or specifically The Naked Gun. I'm convinced that time has taken its toll on them a bit, but primarily they work best in one's teenage years because they have such outrageous adolescent humor, and at that age, you don't mind how forced and manufactured the jokes are. At times, it's too contrived and even embarrassing for me, and even though I acknowledge that the film has many successful gags, they are often presented so eagerly that it kills the genuine joke. When I saw The Naked Gun again years later, I had to lower my rating to 2 stars, even though there may be objectively worse films that I rated higher out of nostalgia. But those films will undoubtedly get their turn, and they will get what they deserve. Overall impression: 45%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is absolute cop class! Zucker's got it down, and Nielsen has a really heroically stupid face... It's hard to find a cliché that The Naked Gun didn't have – it's easy, it's light, it's crazy, and it's wonderfully funny even after watching it many times over. This parody won't age as long as brave detectives go out on nights as black as morning coffee at a diner into the field and make their contribution to the salvation of the world. An irresistible parody of a "gritty" American detective story and a really good film that has everything you want. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I watched it after a long time and I have to say I didn't find it as amazing as I used to. Nielsen was born for the role, and Zucker and Abrahams prove that in their hands the story doesn't just break down into a patchwork of more or less funny scenes, but has a coherent parodic character. But as brilliant and unforgettable as some moments are, there are passages that visibly limp with forced humour. Just for the brilliant jokes (and there are quite a few) definitely thumbs up and my endless sympathy... ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Leslie Nielsen was (and will always be) the acting king of parody, and The Naked Gun is, along with Hot Shots!, the pinnacle of the genre. Frank Drebin is a devil with a capital D and a moron with a capital M rolled into one, and Nielsen's grimaces and comedic skill make for one of the most iconic characters making fun of all manner of Bond and cop movies. Nielsen, accompanied by George Kennedy, the not-yet-so-plastic Priscilla Presley and the still innocent O.J. Simpson, gave rise to a timeless comedy that will entertain even after multiple viewings. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol When I first saw it a long time ago it was a total blast which had me rolling on the floor laughing. I wasn’t so blown away by it today since I've grown to like more sophisticated humor, but that doesn't mean I wasn’t having fun. On the contrary. The jokes were silly and uncomplicated, but that's not a bad thing. I could just switch off and enjoy myself without any unnecessary mental effort. The film worked perfectly in this respect. Besides the superb Leslie Nielsen, I was also very entertained by George Kennedy. It was nice to reminisce about the totally innocent O. J. Simpson. Even after all this time, I still enjoy this film and I don’t feel like changing the rating. / “You seem to know your way around a kitchen.” “l'm just as handy in other rooms of the house.”/ Lesson learned: Don't trust hypnotists. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Along with Hot Shots, this is a series of parodies that I find incredibly entertaining. Even after years, some scenes still get me, but I slightly prefer the second film. Leslie Nielsen was in top form here, as was the ZAZ trio. This is the kind of movie I can watch when I'm feeling down and it always lifts my spirits at least a little. ()

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