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Recenziók (335)


Valerian és az ezer bolygó városa (2017) 

angol A mixture of Avatar and the most infantile scenes from Star Wars resulting in a totally silly and uninteresting story, so technically masterful that it’s almost a waste. But seriously, it’s been a long time since I saw such a perfectly made film which is, just like Avatar, undercut by an incredibly dull and predictable story. The cast seems representative of the whole film. The central couple is okay (Cara Delevingne’s part was practically tailor-made for her so it fits her well), but I’m not sure if they are good enough for a $177-million budget blockbuster (because the box office revenues tell a different story). Honestly, I did enjoy watching this movie, but I often had no idea why someone was doing what they were doing. In fact, I didn’t even care. Nevertheless, as a perfect audiovisual treat, it will surely stand the test of time.


Pókember - Hazatérés (2017) 

angol Marvel is simply a factory for making movies which, despite slight differences in details, are essentially the same. Spider-Man has perhaps the most comic-book style of all the Avengers, and it’s the most typical representative of a “superhero next door”. The movie works great in these respects, but, for some reason, the creators decided to mix in some bombastic action, which is where the movie completely falls apart and becomes less interesting also thanks to a considerable amount of CGI mess. The part about high school and adolescence is actually the best. Michael Keaton plays a great villain, Marvel’s most frequent stumbling block, and his scenes together with Peter Parker (and I don't mean the mostly confusing fights with Spider-Man) belong to the movie’s highlights. In fact, I quite liked this even though it doesn't particularly stand out and the movie’s length is entirely unreasonable.


Ha/ver (2010) 

angol Still fun even after having seen it so many times. Kick-Ass is the most stylish two-hours worth of material I've ever seen. Filmed with such ease and grace, it all starts out as an absurd comedy full of outsiders and then the whole thing turns into a rather serious violent action movie in the style of Tarantino. If someone were to film a crazy or sarcastic version of my view of the contemporary world, it would turn out more or less like this.


Transformers: Az utolsó lovag (2017) 

angol I honestly don’t know how to rate the fifth installment of Transformers. This movie has virtually everything and it’s all presented with such intensity and quantity that puts all the other blockbusters to shame. I'm not sure if I admire or feel sorry for the people who go see it in 3D, because such intensity would make any normal person’s head explode. I appreciate all action movies that gradually keep escalating until the finale, but this one escalates almost instantly and manages to keep up the same frantic pace throughout its whole runtime, almost making me feel it was a little too much at times. Not to mention the fact that the whole introductory medieval part is not only boring but, even with the brain shut down, really bizarre. Overall, I consider a total shutdown of the brain as a necessary prerequisite for watching Transformers. Anyway, the screenwriters should kick each other’s ass because nothing at all makes any sense here, and yet, all it would take is a slightly above-average screenplay. Then we could show the future generations what perfect popcorn entertainment looked like in 2017. Instead, you'll probably watch this movie once and then never again, wondering why Michael Bay is literally wasting his time with this, because few people can make such great action movies as he does, yet here he is making money for the Paramount big shots to buy more yachts. Speaking of which, you can clearly tell the difference between Mark Wahlberg, who takes part in this only to ensure a comfortable life for his offspring, as opposed to Anthony Hopkins, who obviously had fun playing one of the coolest characters in his career in one of the worst-written movies with which he had ever associated his name. Fortunately, Bay had a lucky hand or a good eye for choosing the female heroine, because Laura Haddock is brilliant here and represents the Transformer equivalent of a "Bond girl". Hopefully, Bay won’t ditch her, which is something he had already done three times for various reasons to other actresses in this series. What I appreciate is the fact that even though most of the movie takes place in front of a green screen, there is minimum chaos in comparison with Znyder's CGI mess, plus it is accompanied by the almost legendary soundtrack by Jablonsky, for which he deserves a statue of gold.


A kör (2017) 

angol An interesting theme outlining a near and quite likely future, but it's all made in such a lousy way that it gets boring at times. And here I was thinking I couldn’t possibly be bored by such a subject. It is terribly filmed, its cast is ridiculous and the writing poor. Why? For starters, the characters are seriously underdeveloped. I'm no expert on screenplays or Film Studies student, but I think that screenwriters should have a clear idea of the characters’ development, motivations, dilemmas, and sooner or later there should be at least a hint of sense or justification to their actions. None of that happens in The Circle. Things just occur for no particular reason. There is no hidden mystery about this, it's just terribly written, plain and simple. Let’s not forget about the second reason. The movie also boasts of being a thriller, but when a movie lasts 110 minutes, you’d expect there to be suspense earlier than just a few minutes before its ending. Plus, it all ends with the part of the story where movies of a similar type are normally just getting started. I don't mean to be overly critical, but The Circle is a hot candidate for the disappointment of the year.


Sokkal több mint testőr (2017) 

angol A fun buddy comedy with some exquisitely filmed action scenes. Unfortunately, the rest is so routinely and carelessly done that it boggles the mind. Jackson drops one-liners and insults left and right as usual. Reynolds, despite his often bored expression, has great comedic talent. But a lot of things are just dull and Örvarsson's music sometimes takes it down to the level of a cheesy 90s series. Then again, I shouldn’t say anything bad about the music, because it finally occurred to someone to shoot an action scene to the beat of Spiderbait’s “Black Betty”, so as a “Need for Speed ​​Underground 2” hardcore fan, I was over the moon.


Baywatch (2017) 

angol Great satisfaction on my part as Baywatch lived up to all my expectations. Humor, finally improved by the R-rating, actually only works when Rock or Efron are on screen, the rest of the jokes just don’t land. Slow-motion shots of girls in swimsuits, a relaxed atmosphere, punchy one-liners, some seriously crude moments, pathetic acting performances by certain people and, most importantly, a completely deliberate self-parody that is spot-on. After all those bad reviews and pessimistic expectations, I definitely give it a thumbs up.


A múmia (2017) 

angol The new Mummy makes absolutely no sense because it’s a totally chaotic mishmash from start to finish, with hints of a horror atmosphere but absolutely zero adventure and none of the B-movie feel of the original. No disrespect to Cruise (quite the contrary), but a new face would be far more suitable for this reboot. I'm pretty sure the main character must have been at least 25 years younger in the original script. By the way, Jake Johnson, a big no. I'm going to try to steer clear of movies in which he appears, because he makes you want to punch him in the face in each and every one of his scenes. And if you want to see Russell Crowe in one of the worst roles of his career, here’s a perfect opportunity.


Dunkirk (2017) 

angol Christopher Nolan is a big name and a guarantee of the highest quality, and I always expect his movies to be brilliant, and IMAX lived up to the standard, but I also expect something extra that will completely blow my mind. Dunkirk is a great and honestly-made war movie, but emotionally cold; and for the first time in my life, I felt like I just wasn’t on the same wavelength with Nolan. I believe and hope that the next time I watch it I will experience stronger emotions, but I'm afraid I’d rather choose a different movie by Nolan instead. Any Nolan movie.


Arthur király - A kard legendája (2017) 

angol King Arthur is the most stylish and fun action fantasy movie busting all the myths with such passion that will make the lovers of classic medieval movies feel faint. Those who seek originality among conventional Hollywood movies will rejoice. This fantasy movie full of great lines has everything you expect from a summer movie and more, including David Beckham’s cameo. Plus, it's accompanied by an absolutely perfect soundtrack that will stay stuck in your head long after the ending. This is the most awesome movie you’ll probably see in the theatres this year.