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Show! (2013) 

angol Find a good topic in a documentary and it (almost) works itself out. Bohdan Bláhovec serves you a portrait of a man whose business plan is certainly on the edge of ethics and definitely beyond the edge of good parental morals. The suffering of (not only) Czech show business is shown here in all its nakedness, which will be all the more annoying for you since it’s a bunch of girls at the start of puberty. If the director had made a second part with the caption "...ten years later," there can hardly be any doubt that his own daughter would hardly speak to Michal Mertl. Unless a miracle happens and 5Angels actually end up selling out Madison Square Garden. (This is highly doubtful because if such a person thinks that the documentary filmmakers at FAMU are going to turn out free self-PR, he has a lot to learn.)


Požární sport II. (2013) Boo!

angol "It's a joke that you'd better not think about," the director said before the screening, and I spent more than half an hour wondering why. An homage to the instructional video as an experimental montage with overblown sound? It’s fascinating what people go to the trouble to do sometimes.


Parta Analog (2013) 

angol This was probably the most pleasant documentary of this year's Jihlava festival. After the screening, someone in the audience accused the director of making fun of old people. Bullshit. Anyone who has, or has had, grandparents of a similar age knows that senility combined with vanity is deadly, and not once are old people pushed into escalated situations. All the fun situations stem from the fact that technology and the speed of information dissemination are completely different in 40 years. It couldn't be kinder. 4 ½.


Prága – éjszaka (2014) 

angol After twenty minutes, I thought that only the great technical aspects would keep me in my seat, which has a much more cinematic "look" than a lot of feature films. Otherwise, it's a wannabe artistic pseudo-documentary statement that addresses absolutely nothing and rides a wave of very ambivalent feelings that I refused to share because these people don't actually live- or rather the film offers the question of whether they do. Actually, my best impression of the film arrived only in the movie theater after the credits had finished. The director actually said that the viewer should find their own thing in it, and about a third of the hall applauded him. When I was walking among the smokers in front of the movie theater, I only heard two things: "That was shit," or "That was a blast."


Rodina (2013) (diákfilm) Boo!

angol "I'm a young leftist intellectual, I have a problem with my dad. I have a kid, I'm filming everything I can get my hands on. I'm filming a diary about myself. It's not going to make sense to you, the audience, and someone forgot to tell me at the test screening that the characters are often impossible to understand, so it should get subtitles." If only the director hadn't given the impression after the screening that she hadn't even watched it herself once.


Mých posledních 150 000 cigaret (2013) (Tévéfilm) 

angol Ivo Bystřičan understood the principles of television humor and, in combination with exposing his own skin to the market, brought one of the funniest films to the Jihlava festival. On the edge between a documentary (interviews with politicians, people from the cigarette business) and a hidden camera show ("cigarettes in public spaces"), he unfolds a surprisingly thoughtful story about why we smoke, how and when we start, and how difficult it is to quit (self-shooting cam). I could have objections that the film doesn't go into as much depth as the topic deserves, but infiltrating the hermetic wall of silence of people in the industry would probably require an undercover operation.


The Electronic Border (2012) 

angol One expects a geeky confession from 8 to 64 bits, and what comes out is an uninteresting visual mess with a synth voiceover that doesn't actually say anything at all.


Sonic Outlaws (1995) Boo!

angol Audiovisual piracy is good, right? Half of the time I was looking for meaning in the visual cacophony, and the soundtrack did not make it any easier to watch. I'm not denying anyone a deeply intellectual experience, but for the first time in my life, I left the movie theater thinking that I’m not enjoying it and don't want to.


Gravitáció (2013) 

angol A film about the importance of the metaphor of "standing on solid ground," whose 'Making of...' will be about two levels more interesting in terms of plot. Or it’s a space arcade game about jumping between stations with perfect graphics.


Babovřesky (2013) Boo!

angol The rumors didn't lie. My group of friends at the screening also turned white wine into red. Because of the bloody tears that flowed into it. This is not folk entertainment, this is idiocy that has nothing to do with humor because it lacks the basic feature of a film - a coherent plot. More than two hours drowned in acting awkwardness and boundless creative stupidity. They should have given the money to charity. Idiots!